RE.23 Cartouche with Two Reclining Nude Youths Framing a Seascape Set in an Oval

RE.23 Cartouche with Two Reclining Nude Youths

Etching by Antonio Fantuzzi, 23 x 38.85 S (London).  Inscribed with Fantuzzi’s monogram at the bottom toward the left.

Fig.RE.23 (Zerner)

Passavant, VI, 1864, 198, 46.  Herbet, II, 1896, 271-272 (1969, 66-67), 9, and Herbet, V, 1902, 80 (1969, 232).  Zerner, 1969, A.F.41 (Paris), as 1542-1543, and Rossoesque.

COLLECTIONS: Paris, Ed 14d.  London, 1850-5-27-227 (upper left corner missing).


Kusenberg, 1931, 166, as in the style of Rosso and perhaps after a lost decoration at Fontainebleau.

Adhémar, 1946, Pl. IX, as Fantuzzi after a decoration of a lost apartment at Fontainebleau.

Adelson, 1980, 160, Fig. 51.

Only Kusenberg suggested that the design might be Rosso’s.  The proportions of the cartouche and its tripartite division relate it to the Gallery of Francis I.  Its oval center area could reflect the original design of some of the walls in the gallery, such as the one with the Education of Achilles (Fig.P.22, II N a).  In fact, the shape of the side panels is similar to those of that wall.  However, the overlapping in the etching of a large rectangular frame by the oval one with its cusped ends does not, in its slightly confusing intentions, suggest Rosso.  The cartouche appears to be a pastiche of Rosso’s motifs, some of which, however, may be derived from early plans he made for the gallery.

COPIES: Du Cerceau.  Etching.  Herbet, IV, 1900, 304 (1969, 156), VI (Petits Cartouches), 5.

See also Moro, Bartsch, XVI, 1818, 87, 23, as Schiavone.  A battle scene is substituted for Fantuzzi’s seascape.