RE.19 God the Father with Angels

RE.19 God the Father

Etching by Antonio Fantuzzi, half-circle, 23.5 x 45.9 S (London).

Fig.RE.19 (London)

Bartsch, XVI, 1818, 376, 1, as Anonymous, School of Fontainebleau, after Rosso.  Herbet, I, 1896, 83 (1969, 32), 59, as Master L.D. (according to Destailleur) after Rosso.  Zerner, 1969, A.F.64 (Paris, Ensba), as Fantuzzi, perhaps after a French artist.

COLLECTIONS: Florence.  London, 1851,0208.107.  New York, 49.95, 1888.  Paris, Da 67, two impressions, one printed in bistre.  Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Vol. 168(2), no. 65 (see Schéfer below).  Paris, Ensba.  Vienna, Vol. I.III.3, p.3.


Schéfer, 1894-1929, col. 555, no. 65, as Master L.D., after Rosso.

Kusenberg, 1931, 170, as Master L.D., not after Rosso, but after Luca Penni.

Adhémar, 1938, 291, as Léon Davin [Davent].

Béguin, RdA, 1969, 105, as rather after Rosso than Luca Penni.

Zerner, IB, 33, 1979, 278 (London).

Neither the kinds of very elongated and graceful figures represented here, their postures, nor the composition of this scene recall Rosso.  The designer of this print seems touched by Primaticcio’s art.  Formerly attributed to Master L.D. or to Léon Davent, it was ascribed to Fantuzzi by Zerner.