DOC.32 November 9, 1537

Presentation of Rosso as acolyte in the minor orders of the abbey of Sainte Geneviève in Paris at mass on Sunday, November 11, 1537.

Paris, National Archives, LL 140, p. 130.

Dominica undecima predicti mensis et anni, reverendus dominus Jacobus, Calcedonensis epsicopus delicencia vicarii episcopi parisiensis, promovit dominum Rossium Johannem baptistam Rossi, clericum, canonicum parisiensem, per dominos presentatum, ad acolitatum ceterosque minores ordines infra missarum solemna in monasterio sancte Genovefe parisiensi.1

1 Grodecki, 1975, V, I, 2; here slightly corrected.  Decrue, 1885, 188, stated that after the disgrace of Nicolas Raince, secretary of the French ambassador in Rome, in the summer (July?) of 1532, “Le Grand Maître [Anne de Montmorency] fit donner à l’artist Rosso une abbaye qu’il avait promise à Raince,…”  Decrue gives no source for this information nor anything more about it.  The date and indication of Rosso as “clericum, canonicum parisiensem” could refer to Rosso’s canonicate at Sainte Chapelle, which he received on August 14, 1532 (DOC.25).  The abbey of Sainte Geneviève is the only abbey that appears in the documents and sources of Rosso’s life, but the date here is rather long after the year of Raince’s disgrace.