The Chapter of Notre Dame in Paris agrees to accept from Giuliano Buonacorsi only 40 scudoes of Rosso’s legacy on the condition that he renounce all rights to Rosso’s prebend and to other things pertaining to this matter.
Paris, National Archives, LL 144, p. 165.
Quoad Bonacurse pro legato defuncti domini de Rossis facto ecclesie ab eo quadraginta scuta auri ad solem prox liv. hoc recipiet dominus Delaunay postquam plus haberi non possit et hoc medio cedet ipse Bonacurse ad opus capituli omni jure et actis ni que habere pretendit in grosso prebende dicti defuncti et alias qulaitercumque. (On p. 164 at the beginning of the chapter=) Sabbati post oculi martii M. Vc XLIII (=1545, modern style).1