DOC.7 Volterra, April 8, 1521

Rosso, in Volterra, appoints a Sienese University Student, Piero Niccolò Calefati da Piombino, as his procurator to deal, if necessary, with his affairs outside Volterra (in Piombino?).

Florence, State Archives, Notarile antecosimiano, 16706 (formerly P306, Tommaso di Ottaviano Picchinesi da Volterra, 1508-1524), f. 37 recto.



Die octava Aprilis, indictione nona.  Actum Volaterris, in canonica K[a]tedralis ecclesie, presentibus Bastiano Laurentii de Bonannis de Sancto Geminiano et Nicolao Pierantonii Parelle de Volaterris, testibus etc.

Iohannes Baptista Iacopi Gasparis, alias maesto Rosso, pictor de Florentia, omni meliori modo etc., citra revocationem etc., fecit etc. suum procuratorem etc. dominum Petrum Nicolai Calafati de Plumbino, studentem ingimnasio Senese, absentem etc. ad agendum, causandum et defendendum etc.  Item ad exigendum etc. et de exactis finiendum etc.  Item ad substituendum etc. Et generaliter etc. Promittens etc., relevans etc.  Rogans etc.1

1 The contents of this document were first published by Battistini, 1928, who pointed out that Pietro di Niccolò – cited wrongly by Battistini as a student at Pisa – became a famous law professor “nello Studio stesso” (meaning, apparently, Pisa).  Franklin, 1987, 659, and n. 60; and 1994, 55, 303, Appendix C, DOCUMENT 3, 316 (with reference to R. Bagemihl, “Il Rosso a Volterra. Curiosità e notizie,” La Spalletta. Settimanale volterrano di cronaca e cultura, IV, no. 32 [8 August 1987], 3), published the text, and commented that the making of such an appointment implied a long absence from Florence, during which time Rosso would not be able to return to handle his own business.  But Florence is not mentioned in the document.  As the student’s name indicates that he came from Piombino, it is possible that the affairs that may have needed attention would be ones in Piombino, where Rosso had just been working for Jacopo V Appiano (see L.15 and L.16).  As this document does not seem to have been made in response to any specific event, it is possible that Rosso made it shortly after his arrival in Volterra from Piombino.  Ciardi, in Ciardi and Mugnaini, 1991, 149, pointed out that Pietro (Piero) Calefati was the son of Nicola Calefati, who had handled important assignments of the court of Piombino and became the treasurer of Jacopo V; see also Ciardi, 1994, 55, 95, n. 117, noting that Calefati was not present when the document was drawn up, and stating that it confirms Rosso’s relation to the Signor di Piombino.