Local Waterfront Revitalization Project – Public Hearing (in person)

The city of Poughkeepsie is in the final stages of updating its Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). The Updated LWRP reflects changes that have occurred in the Waterfront Revitalization Area since the City last adopted an LWRP in 1999, incorporate recommendations of recent planning efforts, and address resilience to flooding and sea level rise, principles of sustainable planning and smart growth, and strategies to support economic development for the City.

The Common Council has set a public hearing for 6 p.m. Monday, December 19th, to hear comments on the proposed November 18, 2022 draft. You can find out more about the LWRP update process here.

The final draft and memorandum outlining the most recent changes can be found here,

ENJAN’s 5th Annual Mid-Hudson Valley Gathering

Save the Date! ENJAN’s 5th Annual Mid-Hudson Valley Gathering is organized around the theme of No Rollbacks on Justice. We’ll have speakers, free food, and an opportunity to learn about ENJAN and other local organizations and the work they are doing to end mass incarceration and racism in the criminal legal system.