Understanding Antiracism as Collecting Organizations (virtual)

This program hosted by the Documentary Heritage & Preservation Services for New York, will cover the very basics of what antiracism is, how we talk about it, its history, and how we can use the principles of antiracism to create more robust and engaging organizations. This webinar will include large group learning and discussion, building on prior experience and constituent interest, as well as participatory opportunities to understand the material more deeply. Register here!

Author Talk: Andrea C. Mosterman, Spaces of Enslavement: A History of Slavery and Resistance in Dutch New York (virtual)

Andrea Mosterman is associate professor in Atlantic History and Joseph Tregle Professor in Early American History at the University of New Orleans. In her work, she explores the multi-faceted dimensions of slavery, slave trade, and cross-cultural contact in the Dutch Atlantic and Early America with special emphasis on Early New York. Register here!

Andrea Mosterman has published her work in the Journal of African History and Early American Studies, and she curated the digital exhibit “Slavery in New Netherland” for the New Netherland Institute. Her book Spaces of Enslavement: A History of Slavery and Resistance in Dutch New York (Cornell University Press, 2021) won the 2020 Hendricks Award for best book-length manuscript relating to New Netherland and the Dutch colonial experience.

The ARC Celebrates Douglass Day 2022 (virtual)

Join the African Roots Center to celebrate Frederick Douglass’s Birthday! Although Douglass never knew his birthdate, he chose to celebrate every year on February 14th.

Register here!

More Than a Land Acknowledgement with Heather Bruegl (remote)

Learn how to create a land acknowledgement that is living and full of action. Join WMA JDEI and Scenic Hudson on Zoom as Heather Bruegl, M.A. (Oneida/Stockbridge-Munsee) Director of Education for the Forge Project Fellowship Program presents, “More Than a Land Acknowledgement.”

Have you ever wondered about the history of the land that you are on? Do you understand the impacts of colonialism on the land and Native Nations? Do you want to do more than just acknowledge the land? This workshop gives you a history of Federal Indian policy that led to land loss and provides 5 steps on how to create a land acknowledgement that does more than just putting words on paper. Learn how to create a land acknowledgement that is living and full of action.

Register here!

Frederick Douglass Speech Commemoration (in person)

Join Celebrating the African Spirit to commemorate Frederick Douglass’s 1858 speech in College Hill Park. This was a major historical event in Poughkeepsie that contributed to the fight for the abolition of slavery!