Dutchess County in 1870 (virtual)

A photographic tour of Dutchess County as it enters the Second Industrial Revolution

See Dutchess County as it was 150 years ago from the collection of photographs of local historian David Turner. The years after the Civil War saw a dramatic shift in life, not just in the United States as a whole, but also locally here in Dutchess County. Photographs from the era show the dramatic development of places like Poughkeepsie and Beacon as they move from their colonial past into an industrial urban environment. The wood buildings that once lined Poughkeepsie and Beacon would be torn down and replaced by the giant brick buildings we see today. Small mills along creeks and the Hudson River expanded into large factories, selling items to New York City and the rest of the expanding country. See how the small hamlets of Red Hook, Wappingers Falls, and Pleasant Valley grew into the sprawling villages they are today. The presentation will contain over 100 photographs from the 1860s-1880s showing some of the earliest images of the county.

To access this Zoom presentation, click here at 7 PM on Dec 16th

Bystander Intervention to Stop Antisemitic Harassment (virtual)

A collaboration between Right to Be and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, this training will discuss the forms of antisemitism currently facing the Jewish community— from microaggressions to violence — using a tool a “spectrum of disrespect” tool. Participants will learn what to look for and the positive impact bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. Organizers will discuss their five strategies for intervention how to attendees can prioritize their own safety while intervening, with the goal of participants feeling more confident intervening the next time they see antisemitic harassment online or in person. Residents can register for this Zoom event at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvcumqrDgoGNxPP5oMjrF6EbR68_CgNWnW

Bystander Intervention Training in Public Spaces (virtual)

Right to Be will equip attendees with the right information to be an effective bystander in the midst of public space harassment using its proven methodology, including five strategies for intervention. Participants will then take part in practice scenarios to they can leave the training feeling more prepared to successfully and safely intervene. Residents can register for this Zoom event at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMud-qvqj8rHtaeZLX41yi2tI17Sjc6_pqa

Bystander Intervention Training in the Workplace (virtual)

Presented by Brooklyn-based Right to Be, a non-profit organization which teaches people to stop harassment, this training aims to reduce instances of workplace disrespect and harassment by giving employees the tools needed to disrupt those perpetrating it. Attendees will be presented with tools to be effective bystanders in the midst of workplace disrespect or harassment by using Right to Be’s proven bystander intervention methodology: distract, delegate, document, delay and direct. Ninety-eight percent of employees who have taken this training with Right to Be leave committed to intervene next time they witness disrespect or harassment at work. Residents can register for this Zoom event at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItfuGgqT4rGtD8brNc-aqp7ZVKG1aMXxpn

United Way of Dutchess-Orange Region Community Fund 2023-2024 – Zoom Informational meeting

Through this RFP process, UWDOR seeks partnerships with nonprofit organizations during the time period of July 2022 to June 2023. Our intention is to invest sufficient funding to achieve significant results. United Way’s Community Fund is divided into two funding categories:

  • For previously funded programs, please indicate the amount you are requesting (maximum request of $50,000).
  • For programs not previously funded, United Way has allotted funding in increments up to $10,000 for these requests. Please indicate your request here (maximum of $10,000). If United Way selects your program for funding you may be eligible for additional funding next year. This is contingent that your organization remaining in good standing with regards to all United Way contract requirements. Future additional funding is not a guarantee.

Join on Zoom here!

Book Talk: Rescuing the Planet with Tony Hiss (virtual)

In Rescuing the Planet, Hiss sets out on a journey to take stock of the “superorganism” that is the earth: its land, its elements, its plants and animals, its greatest threats – and what we can do to keep it, and ourselves, alive. Hiss invites us to understand the scope and gravity of the problems we face, and also makes the case for why protecting half the land is the way to fix those problems. Register here!