Karly Andreassen ’20: Book V, Chapter V (On the events of the rebellion of the Cacique Enrique, who thereafter was called Don Enrique and the establishment of peace with his Indians)
Karly Andreassen ’20: Book V, Chapter IV (Of the rebellion of the Cacique Enrique and the cause that led him to it, and of the rebellion of the Blacks)
Abby Tarwater ’21: Book V, Preface (This is the fifth book of the first part of The Natural and General History of the Indies, Islands, and Mainland of the Ocean Sea)
Ella Nguyen ’23: Book VIII, Chapter XXVIII (Of the thistles of the prickly pear cactus and its fruit, which in the province of Venezuela in the Mainland is called comoho)
Andrea Tellez ’21: Book VIII, Chapter I (On the trees that have been brought to this Island of Hispaniola from Europe and our Spain)
Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert: Book VIII, Chapter XXXIV (Of the tree called tembixque and its fruit in the Mainland)
Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert: Book VIII, Chapter XXXII (Of the tree called tembixque and its fruit, alias tembate)
Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert: Book XIX, Chapter X (On the way in which the Indians and even the Christians collect or fish for pearls)
Ella Nguyen ’23: Book VIII, Chapter II (Of the fruit trees and natural to this island of Hispaniola, and first of all, of the hobos )