Technology Workshops Fall 2024

We are please to announce our schedule of workshops for the upcoming semester. If you have suggested programming or other feedback, please email

Events Overview

09/11   3:30pm Intro to Excel and Data Literacy
09/13   3:30pm Building and Maintaining Your Author Profiles: Faculty Workshop
09/18   2:00pm Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation Manager
09/20 12:00pm Supporting Video in the Curriculum Workshop 
10/02 11:00am Intro to Drone Mapping (HV SCGIS meeting at Vassar Barns)
10/02   3:15pm Drone Cinematography Workshop (with Film Department/VIL)
10/04   3:00pm Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Library
10/09   3:00pm Digital Humanities DMP Basics
10/22   1:30pm Intro to Census and American Community Survey Data and Mapping
10/25  11:00am Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation Manager
10/30   3:00pm Intro to Omeka 
11/01   3:00pm Intro to Scalar
11/06   3:30pm Campus Resources for Building Websites
11/07 10:30am Intro to ArcGIS Pro (in the GIS Lab with ESCI 235)
11/07   1:00pm World Digital Preservation Day event in Library Lobby
11/08   3:00pm Static vs. Dynamic Website Design: How to Choose the Best Option for 
                         Your Project
11/22   10:00am Intro to Audio Resources

excel logoIntro to Excel and Data Literacy

September 11, 2024, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Ely Hall Rm 114 (GIS Lab)

Datasets about all kinds of natural, social, and experimental phenomena are widely available, and new datasets are being generated every day. The first step of making sense of data is often organizing it into a spreadsheet. Once entered and organized, spreadsheets can be used to sort, filter, analyze, and visualize patterns and trends that might not be apparent from our own limited observations. Using contemporary datasets as examples, participants will learn how to create and navigate spreadsheets in Excel, sort and filter data, write formulas to perform calculations, summarize and format data into tables for a report, and generate graphs from data. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Building and Maintaining Your Author Profiles: Faculty Workshoporcid logo

September 13, 2024, 1:00 – 3:00pm, Main Library, Class of ’51 Reading Room

Learn to establish and optimize your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), and claim and edit your scholarly profiles in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. Claiming and maintaining your profiles ensures that your work is correctly represented and attributed to you, allows you to keep up to date with works in your field, and notifies you when authors cite your work or works that you’re citing in your research. 

Faculty from all disciplines and career stages are welcome to attend. Led by Gretchen Lieb, Humanities and Multidisciplinary Librarian. Cosponsored by the Director of Faculty Research. If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment:

Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation ManagerLetter Z in a hexagon - Zotero Logo

September 18, 2024,  2:00 – 2:45pm, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

Overwhelmed by unorganized PDFs? Want to save time formatting your bibliography? Zotero is a free citation manager for organizing references, storing pdfs, and formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. Zotero is most useful when it’s incorporated into the research process – finding sources, building your Zotero library, and citing references all go hand in hand. During this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Create a Zotero library
  • Organize and share references
  • Generate bibliographies in your preferred citation style
  • Format in-text citations and reference lists in Word and Google Docs

Led by Elizabeth Salmon, Social Science Librarian. Registration appreciated but not required:

streaming video iconSupport for using Video in the Curriculum

September 20, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 pm Main Library, Electronic Classroom 160

Library and ACS experts will review recommended steps and procedures for acquiring video content for use with your classes. We’ll cover in-class viewing, out of class viewing, & streaming options. We’ll also describe ways to add content to the collection or to acquire temporary streaming licenses.

Led by Deb Bucher, Head of Collections & Discovery and Baynard Bailey, Asst. Director of Academic Computing Services

College Counsel Shay Humphrey will be in attendance to answer questions relating to copyright law.

Drone Cinematography Workshop drone in the air

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 3:15 PM at Sunset Lake

Join us for an afternoon of flying and exploring the capabilities of the DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine. Find out how you can add production value to your projects with assistance from the Vassar Innovation Lab. This service is free to Vassar students.

preserve north croppedIntro to Drone Mapping

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 11:00 AM at The Environmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns

Drone mapping is the process of creating high-resolution, spatially-accurate images and data for applications from urban planning to agricultural crop monitoring to ecological research and monitoring. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of drone operation and safety, how to plan for and capture images of a survey area, and about processing the imagery in photogrammetry software to create an orthomosaic image (and digital surface/elevation models) of the survey area. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Librarydigital library screenshot

October 4, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

The Digital Library includes photos, audiovisual materials, manuscripts, and much more!  Did you know it now also provides access to Finding Aids, Vassar Scholarship, and a Herbarium? Join us for a tour of the system followed by a Q&A. The tour will include tips on how to find what you need for your research and how to submit your work to the Vassar Scholarship repository. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

DMP logoDigital Humanities Data Management Plan Basics

October 9, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Are you considering building an Omeka, Scalar, or WordPress site to share your work with the world? Have you already created a proof of concept for a digital project and want to know what comes next? You need a Digital Management Plan to ensure sustainability of your site! A DMP describes the data that will be acquired or produced during your project; how the data will be managed, described, stored, accessed, and preserved during and after the completion of the project. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

Intro to the U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS) Data and Mappingus census logo

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM, BLS 101 (Laybourne Visualization “SciVis” Lab)

The U.S. Census Bureau provides periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation. This data is critical for government programs, policies, and decision-making. Presenter David Kraiker, Data Dissemination Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau, will provide an introduction to the Census Bureau, the data it collects and provides, and how to find and use the data. Attendees will learn the differences between the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Decennial Census, and how to use the tools in the Census Bureau’s data portal,, to explore and map ACS and Census data. 

Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation ManagerLetter Z in a hexagon - Zotero Logo

October 25, 2024,  11:00 – 11:45am, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

Overwhelmed by unorganized PDFs? Want to save time formatting your bibliography? Zotero is a free citation manager for organizing references, storing pdfs, and formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. Zotero is most useful when it’s incorporated into the research process – finding sources, building your Zotero library, and citing references all go hand in hand. During this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Create a Zotero library
  • Organize and share references
  • Generate bibliographies in your preferred citation style
  • Format in-text citations and reference lists in Word and Google Docs

Led by Elizabeth Salmon, Social Science Librarian. Registration appreciated but not required:

omeka logoIntro to Omeka

October 30, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM  Online

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

Intro to Scalarscalar logo

November 1, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Scalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

crane building a web page free image from pixabayCampus Resources for Building Websites 

Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024 3:30 – 4:30 PM online

Need a website? We will review the options you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll also cover our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register: ,

Static vs. Dynamic Website Design: How to Choose the Best Option for Your Projectstatic dynamic opposed

November 8, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Learn what the best platform options are for a variety of website projects while also gaining a better understanding of how to make environmentally friendly and sustainable choices. This session will include an overview of website building options, website examples, and decision making tips for your project. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

ArcGIS Pro Logo (map in a circle)Intro to ArcGIS Pro
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Ely 114 (GIS Lab)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software is used to manage, map, and analyze geographic data. In this workshop, you will learn how to use ArcGIS Pro, an industry-standard desktop GIS program, to overlay GIS “layers” in a map, analyze the relative composition of land cover types (developed, forested, wetlands, etc.) within a local watershed relative to stream sample locations, and assemble a map layout of the results. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources chicago audio studio in use

Friday, Nov 22, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.


Live Captioning in a Powerpoint Presentation

The current version of Powerpoint* includes a great accessibility feature: it will automatically transcribe your spoken remarks in real time, displayed as subtitles, while you give your presentation. If you give slide presentations, this is a great function for making your lectures more accessible– for the hearing-impaired, but also for non-native English-speaking students.

Here’s a short demonstration. (Remember, these subtitles were machine-generated in real-time, as I spoke.)

The live subtitling function can also do language translations. You can choose the language that the speaker will be using: Chinese, American, Canadian or British English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, or Spanish. You can then choose the language in which your subtitles will appear, from a list of more than 60 languages.

Here’s the same demonstration, but with French chosen as the subtitle language:

* Real-time subtitling is available only with the Powerpoint component of the desktop version of Microsoft 365. It is not available in Microsoft Office (the predecessor of Microsoft 365) and it is not available in the web-based version of Microsoft 365. Please contact the Vassar Service Desk if you need help installing Microsoft 365 on your device.


Technology Workshops Spring 2024

qgis logo over a mapIntroduction to QGIS 

Tuesday, January 30th, 3:10 – 4:40 pm, Ely Hall Rm 114 (GIS Lab)

QGIS is a Free and Open Source (FOSS) Geographic Information System (GIS) program. GIS software enables you to produce maps and other graphic displays of geographic information for analysis and presentation. In this workshop, you will learn to find and obtain data for a mapping project, edit the data, make a printable map layout, and run geospatial analysis tools. This workshop is suitable for beginners to GIS and those who have had experience with commercial products like Esri’s ArcGIS. Led by Neil Curri of ACS. Please register to attend at

Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation ManagerLetter Z in a hexagon - Zotero Logo

Friday, February 2nd, 1:00 – 1:45 pm, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

Overwhelmed by unorganized PDFs? Want to save time formatting your bibliography? Zotero is a free citation manager for organizing references, storing pdfs, and formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. During this workshop, you will learn how to create a Zotero library, organize and share references, generate bibliographies, and format in-text citations and reference lists in Word and Google Docs. Led by Social Science Librarian Elizabeth Salmon

Computers provided however if possible, please bring a laptop to the session.

Register Online:

vassar library bookshelvesIntro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Library: Research and Classroom Use

February 7 and 9, 2024, 4-5PM, via Zoom

The Digital Library includes photos, audiovisual materials, manuscripts, and much more!  Did you know it now also provides access to Finding Aids, Vassar Scholarship, and a Herbarium? Join us for a tour of the system followed by a Q&A. The tour will include tips on how to find what you need for your research, incorporate use of the DL in the classroom, and how to submit your work to the Vassar Scholarship repository. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 



Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources

Wednesday, February 14, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Audio Nook Workstation overhead anglePlanning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Introduction to Python for Data Sciencepython logo
February 21, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

Python has become more and more popular for data maintenance, wrangling, visualization, and analysis. Do you want to see what all the fuss is about? This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of Python coding and will introduce some common data-focused packages. This workshop is suitable for novice coders as well as those with coding or scripting experience in other statistical software such as R or Stata. Computers available, however, if possible, please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society, Led by Simon Hoellerbauer of DSS

Register Online: 

Intro to Omeka

March 20 & 22, 4:00-5:00PM  via Zoom

omeka logoOmeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 



Intro to Scalar

March 25 & 29, 5:00-6:00PM via Zoom

scalar logoScalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 



Introduction to Git and Github
March 22, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

github logoTired of naming files final_draft_v12_comments_corrected_v10.docx? Git is a commonly used version control system that solves this exact problem and is especially helpful when collaborating with others. GitHub is one of the most popular home for Git-based projects on the internet. This workshop will introduce you to Git and GitHub. You will practice making commits, pushing, and pulling, but alone and in collaboration with others. Please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society

Register Online:

Cleaning Messy Data with OpenRefine

Wednesday, March 27th, 3:00 – 3:45 pm, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

 Want to spend less time cleaning and prepping your data? Doing the same tasks over and over in Excel? OpenRefine is a free, open source tool designed specifically for cleaning and organizing tabular data, with easy to use features for fixing errors and standardizing data. During this workshop, participants will learn how to upload data to OpenRefine, explore data, and conduct simple data transformations to produce a clean dataset ready for analysis.

Register Online:

Introduction to R for Data Science
April 12, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

R is a statistical programming environment commonly used in academia for creating data visualizations and doing statistical analyses in a more regimented manner. This workshop provides a basic overview of using R and RStudio (a common interactive development environment) for statistical analysis (please note that this workshop does not cover statistical concepts).This workshop is suitable for novice coders as well as those with coding or scripting experience in other statistical software such as SPSS or Stata. Computers available, however, if possible, please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society

Register Online:

Campus Resources for Building Websites 

Wednesday, April 17, 3:30 – 4:30 pm on Zoom 

crane building a web page free image from pixabayNeed a website? We will review the options you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll also cover our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 



Poster Design for Academia

Wednesday, April 24, 3:30 – 4:30 Library Electronic Classroom, Main Library

illustrator environment pencil imacNeed a poster for an academic conference? Want to print a giant poster for your event? Come to this hands-on workshop, learn basic design and how to use Illustrator, Powerpoint or Google Slides to make a poster. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services. Please rsvp to (suggested but not required).


Technology Workshops Fall 2023

Alternative Assignments

Friday, September 1, 10:00 – 11:00 Library Electronic Classroom

Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services will provide an overview of some alternative assignments (websites, podcasts, videos, posters). We will discuss how innovative assignments can be used to support learning objectives and review relevant best practices.


Intro to U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS) Data and Tools 

Friday, September 15th, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Ely Hall Rm 200

Presenter David Kraiker, Data Dissemination Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau, will provide an introduction to the Census Bureau, the data it collects and provides, and how to find and use the data. Attendees will learn what Census Bureau is, the differences between the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Decennial Census, parameters for finding data of interest, and using the tools in the Census Bureau’s data portal,, to explore and visualize ACS and Census data. Refreshments and open discussion with Mr. Kraiker to follow (4:30 – 5:00 pm). Hosted by the Department of Earth Science and Geography. 


Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources happy vassar students recording

Friday, September 22nd, 10:00 – 11:00 pm, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Faculty Seminar on Using Mathematica & Wolfram Alpha

wolfram alpha logoSeptember 21, 2023, 3:45-5:00, BLS 202

Andy Dorsett, of Wolfram Research, will present a seminar on (1) the basics of Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha for beginners, (2) classroom/homework/lesson plan activities, and (3) research applications – including machine learning, data analysis, image processing, connections to AI, etc.


Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Library

October 2, 2023, 3:30-4:30PM, via Zoom

The Digital Library includes photos, audiovisual materials, manuscripts, and much more!  Did you know it now also provides access to Finding Aids, Vassar Scholarship, and a Herbarium? Join us for a tour of the system followed by a Q&A. The tour will include tips on how to find what you need for your research and how to submit your work to the Vassar Scholarship repository. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 


Intro to Vassar GIS Resources for Social Science Mapping

October 4, 2023, 3:30-5:00 PM, Ely Hall Rm 114 (GIS Lab)

Powerful GIS tools for social science mapping are available to all students, faculty, and academic staff at Vassar. This workshop will provide an overview of these tools and how to use them, with examples exploring demographic and socioeconomic patterns (e.g. race & ethnicity, education level, income) and housing characteristics, as well as analyzing these patterns in relation to resource availability, threats, or impacts. Led by Elizabeth Salmon of Academic Engagement and Neil Curri of Academic Computing Services. 

Managing your Web Resources

October 30, 2023, 3-4PM, via Zoom

cpanel screenshotNow that you have signed up for account and built an online resource what’s next? Learn how to set up backup schedules in CPanel and perform a manual local backup of your site(s). Having issues with site loading times, also learn how to use image compression and caching plugins to improve site performance. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 


Basics of Research Data Management

October 31, 2023, 3-4PM via Zoom

In recognition of World Digital Preservation Day, this workshop will cover strategies and tips for organizing, documenting and preserving your research data. Learn how to streamline the research process and ensure data is accessible and understandable into the future with effective research data management!


File and Email Managementmagnifying a file and a phone

November 2, 2023, 3-4PM via Zoom

In recognition of World Digital Preservation Day, this workshop will cover strategies and tips for organizing, documenting and preserving your research data. Learn how to streamline the research process and ensure data is accessible and understandable into the future with effective research data management! Led by Digital Preservation Librarian Kim Gianfrancesco. Register Online:


Digital Humanities Data Management Plan Basics

November 6, 2023, 3:30-4:30PM via Zoom

Are you considering building an Omeka, Scalar, or WordPress site to share your work with the world? Have you already created a proof of concept for a digital project and want to know what comes next? You need a Digital Management Plan to ensure sustainability of your site! A DMP describes the data that will be acquired or produced during your project; how the data will be managed, described, stored, accessed, and preserved during and after the completion of the project. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 


GIS DayGIS Day Logo 2023

November 8, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 PM, Ely Hall Rm 200

Join fellow students and faculty in Vassar’s 4th GIS Day, part of an international celebration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and geospatial mapping. Student and faculty presentations of geospatial mapping projects across multiple disciplines will be followed by discussion, food and refreshments. All are welcome. Hosted by Hudson Valley Mappers, the Earth Science and Geography Department, and the Office of Community Engaged Learning. 


Intro to Omeka

November 8, 2023, 3:30-4:30PM via Zoom

omeka logoOmeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 


Intro to Scalar

November 29, 2023, 3:30-4:30 via Zoom

scalar logoScalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 



Creative Design & Technology Workshops Spring 2023

In addition to our normal workshops this semester, we are also adding a six-part graphic design workshop series.

Improving Digital Photos (Graphic Design Workshop Series)

Wednesday, January 25, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101image with adjustments being made

Learn how to take your digital photos to the next level. We will show you how to improve the quality of a picture by tweaking the exposure, adjusting the color balance, configuring the sharpness, cropping, and applying various effects. Led by Karly Andreassen & Amy Laughlin of Academic Computing Services.

Designing Fliers (Graphic Design Workshop Series)graphic design icon

Wednesday, February 1, 12:00 -1:00 pm, Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

Do you need to promo an event or org? Learn tools and techniques to make your fliers more appealing and effective. Led by Karly Andreassen & Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Creating Digital Collages  (Graphic Design Workshop Series)

Collagerator_collagWednesday, February 8, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

We will learn the basics of creating digital collages. Learn how to brainstorm and develop an artistic concept. We will enliven that idea in the digital realm using transparency, blur, cloning and other techniques to create collages. Led by Karly Andreassen & Amy Laughlin of Academic Computing Services.

Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resourceshappy vassar students recording

Friday, February 10, 10:00 – 11:00 am, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Campus Resources for Building Websites  (Graphic Design Workshop Series)

crane building a web page free image from pixabayWednesday, February 15, 3:00 – 4:00 pm on Zoom – Need a website? We will review the options you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll also cover our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. Register:

Intro to Typography  (Graphic Design Workshop Series)

Wednesday, February 22, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101choosing type at a computer

We all use type but it it is an often overlooked fundamental tool in graphic design. We’ll examine the what makes a character and explore the anatomies and characteristics  of fonts, typefaces, and families. We will examine how font choices affect line, paragraph and layout. We will empower you to make informed font choices for your design projects. Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services.

Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Library

1912 vassar library with neon glow

Wednesday, February 22, 3:00 – 4:00 pm on Zoom 

In July of 2022 Vassar College Libraries launched the new and improved Digital Library. This resource has been greatly expanded from its predecessor to now include not only digital collections but also Finding Aids, Vassar Scholarship, and the Herbarium. Join us for a tour of the system followed by a Q&A. The tour will include tips on how to find what you need for your research and how to submit your work to the Vassar Scholarship repository. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.
Registration Link: 

Making GIFs and Memes (Graphic Design Workshop Series)

dog meme with sunglassesWednesday, March 1, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

We’re all used to seeing GIFs and memes but not all of us know how to make them. Learn how to create your own animated GIFs. We will also do some hands-on meme creation and editing. Led by Karly Andreassen & Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Intro to Scalar

scalar logoWednesday, March 22, 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Zoom)

Scalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. Registration Link: 

 Intro to Omeka

Wednesday, March 29, 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Zoom)omeka logo

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. This workshop will begin with the basics of creating an account and installing Omeka and its associated plugins. The most useful plugins and best practices for their use will be covered along with theming and site customization. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Registration Link: 

Intro to Digital Storytelling and Video Editing 

digital storytelling graphicWednesday, April 19, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Do you want to tell a digital story? Would you like to learn video editing or how to do a professional sounding voiceover? Come to our hands-on workshop and get the basics. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.


Technology Workshops Fall 2022

Intro to Scalar 

Wednesday Nov. 9th 3:30 – 4:30 pm on Zoom 

scalar logoScalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.Register:

Sci-Vis Open Sessions: Working with Blender 3D

Meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm

blender community badgeBlender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animation, art, visual effects, 3D printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, VR, and computer games. Participants will receive an introduction to the new interface of Blender 3.0 during the first week, and get access to high-powered desktop computers to work through personal 3D modeling projects in a communal setting.

Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services, please email in order to share your interest in this weekly workshop series, or for general information on getting started with 3D modeling.


Innovation Lab Open Sessions: Intro to 3D printing

3d printer creative commons

Drop-in every Wednesday from 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Learn the software and tools involved in 3D printing and see how 3D printers work. Participants will learn the workflows involved in sending print jobs to the 3D printers in the Innovation Lab. Bring your own 3D models from the Blender modeling class or learn how to find 3D objects online. Led by Chad Fust of Academic Computing Services.


Intro to Digital Storytelling and Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro icon, desktop and cameraWednesday, November 2, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Interested in learning video editing or recording a narrated presentation? Come to this hands-on workshop where you will learn to use Apple’s powerful but easy to use video editing software. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Intro to Moodle moodle icon

Friday, September 2, 10:00 – 11:00 am on Zoom

Intended for instructors who are new to using Moodle (though others are welcome as well). Led by Steve Taylor of Academic Computing Resources.



Moodle Accessibility Toolkit

Friday, September 16, 10:00 – 11:00 am on Zoom

We are adding new accessibility tools to Moodle. Students will be able to accesswebsite accessibility alternative formats for their Moodle materials, and instructors will be able to evaluate the accessibility of their Moodle sites and fix any identified issues. This workshop will demonstrate those tools to you. Led by Steve Taylor of Academic Computing Resources.


Campus Resources for Building Websites

crane building a web page free image from pixabayWednesday, September 21, 3:30 – 4:30 pm on Zoom 

Need a website? Before you pay for hosting and support off-campus, let’s review the resources you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll provide an overview of Google Sites,, and our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. Register:

happy vassar students recording

Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources

Wednesday, September 28, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

Intro to Stop-Motion Animation Workshop

Friday, October 7, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, Taylor Hall 318stop motion lab of VCU libraries from their flickr

Interested in Stop-motion animation? Come learn about Dragonframe animation software. Discover how to access campus resources such as cameras and studio space available to you to make your stop-motion film.

During this workshop I will be showing some stop-motion examples and demonstrating the basics of starting a project in Dragonframe. Please email Amy Laughlin ( ) to reserve a space in the class. 

Intro to Omeka

Thursday, October 27, 1:00 – 2:00 pm on Zoom

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collectionsomeka logo that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. This workshop will begin with the basics of creating an account and installing Omeka and its associated plugins. The most useful plugins and best practices for their use will be covered along with theming and site customization. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services Register: 


Chicago Audio Studio and Campus Audio Resources

by Baynard Bailey

A few years ago I gained access to and gradually became the manager of the Audio Studio that is in the basement of Chicago Hall. The audio studio has a sound-treated room with two high-quality cardioid microphones on movable stands, and a computer equipped control room and mixing board. The sound treated room can fit three to four people comfortably, but entire a cappella groups have been known to squeeze in from time to time.

The space is the legacy of Rick Jones, a retired sound engineer that used to support the technical needs of the language faculty. The studio has supported countless student and faculty projects, as well as professor hosted podcasts like Curtis Dozier’s Mirror of Antiquity.

Gaining Access

If you are interested in doing a one-off recording, you can email me (Baynard Bailey) and I can engineer for you. If you have a need for multiple recording sessions, then I can train you on the equipment and the room protocols and put you on key permission. Afterwards, just reserve the room by emailing me, and then you can pick the key up from the circulation desk in the Main Library. (Bear in mind that Chicago Hall is open from from 7:30am-7pm, Mon-Fri and from 9am-11:30pm, Sat & Sun. After hours access can be arranged.) The training generally takes thirty to forty-five minutes but it can go quicker if you are already comfortable with audio tech such as sound boards, XLR and USB connections.

Technical Details

The two mics in the room are the Heil PR 40 and an Electro-voice RE20. The sound board is a Mackie ProFX8. The studio also hosts an ISDN line capable of lag-free remote broadcast, but it hasn’t gotten much use lately. If that is something you are interested in, let CIS know and we can plan accordingly. 

Other Campus Sound Resources

The circulation desk in the library signs out USB headsets with microphones that are useful if you want to record on your own laptop and want to improve upon the sound quality of its onboard microphone (usually not so great). The headset enables a more intimate sound containing less room noise. The Main Library also hosts the sound nook for high quality spontaneous recordings in the Digital Media Studio. 

usb headsetUSB Headsets can be signed out from the circ desk for 2 hours at a time. They can also be signed out from Media Resources for a week at time.


zoom h1Zoom H1 Recorder kits can be signed out from Media Resources. ACS maintains a classroom set of recorders that can be used for class projects. These are perfect for field recordings. Contact for individual borrowing or for class projects or training. We also have a handful of field recording kits with shotgun mics.


There is a band practice room in the basement of Blodgett Hall; to access it, please contact The Film Department has a small Foley booth but it is generally reserved for Film students.



Technology Workshops Spring 2022

Campus Resources for Building Websites

Wednesday, February 23, 3:30 pm

crane building a web page free image from pixabayNeed a website? Before you pay for hosting and support off-campus, let’s review the resources you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll provide an overview of Google Sites,, and our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.


Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources

Wednesday, March 2, 3:30 pm Main Library Electronic Classroom

Chicago Hall Audio Recording in progressPlanning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio production facilities in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.


Intro to Photoshop

Friday, February 25, 1:00PM  Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

photoshop logo

Adobe Photoshop is software used for editing photographs, compositing digital art, animating, and graphic design. In this workshop we will explore open-source resources to incorporate into projects, cover the basics of document creation, and review graphic design principles to keep in mind when editing digital and print publication. Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services, please email in order to reserve a space in the class.

3d printer creative commons

Print a Custom 3D Object 

Wednesday, March 23, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Vassar Innovation Lab

Visit the Innovation Lab and customize a small 3D item like a keychain, guitar pick, or phone stand. You’ll learn the basics of preparing a file for 3D printing, pick the colors for your print, and watch our 3D printers in action. No experience necessary. Led by Chad Fust of Academic Computing Services.

Blender Logo

Intro to Blender

Friday, April 8, 1:00PM Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and computer games. Come to this hands-on workshop to learn the basic tools and unlock your 3D potential!

Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services, please email in order to reserve a space in the class.

printmaking inking rolling

 Digital and Traditional Printmaking with Maker Technologies  

Part 1: Friday, April 15th, 11am-12:30pm  in the Innovation Lab, College Center lower level.  
Part 2: Friday April 29th, 11am -2pm in the Printmaking Studio, Doubleday

We will look at approaches for utilizing 3D printing, CNC milling, and Laser cutting and engraving to assist in the generation of print surfaces. Students will use technologies available in the lab to create their own printing plates on Friday April 15th. Students are then invited to print their plates in the Printmaking Studio in Doubleday on Friday April 29th. Meeting times on the 15th and 29th to be determined. Please RSVP by emailing Amy Laughlin at

(Max Capacity 8 Students)


omeka logo

Intro to Omeka

Monday, April 18, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Electronic Classroom, Main Library

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. This workshop will begin with the basics of creating an account and installing Omeka and its associated plugins. The most useful plugins and best practices for their use will be covered along with theming and site customization.  Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. To register and receive the Zoom link email Nicole H. Scalessa,


moodle icon

Using Moodle’s Gradebook

April 29, 10:00-11:00 on Zoom

Students consistently say that they would like their instructors to make the grades for their assignments, quizzes, etc. viewable in Moodle throughout the semester, but many instructors are intimidated by the setup procedures for the Moodle Gradebook. Learn the basic mechanics of the Moodle Gradebook by watching this 20-minute recording (coming soon), then join ACS Director Steve Taylor for follow-up Q&A in this live Zoom session.

Registration link:


Technology Workshops Fall 2021

tinkercad by Flickr Arbol de Navidad con Tinkercad

Intro to 3D Modeling

Wednesday, October 6, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm,  Main Library Electronic Classroom

Learn the basics of 3D modelling for 3D printing, game design, and animation. Participants will engage in hands-on work in Tinkercad to create their own 3D objects. 3D models created in this class can be used in the Intro to 3D Printing course the following week. Led by Chad Fust of Academic Computing Services.

panopto logo

Faculty Workshop: Panopto

Friday, October 8, 2021 9:30 am – 11:00

Panopto is Vassar’s new streaming media platform for educators. Instructors will learn how to upload, manage, and access video files, record themselves, insert comprehension questions into videos, and use simple editing tools. Led by Steve Taylor of Academic Computing Services

3d printer creative commons

Intro to 3D Printing 

Wednesday, October 13, Innovation Lab 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Learn the software and tools involved in 3D printing and see how 3D printers work. Participants will learn the workflows involved in sending print jobs to the 3D printers in the Innovation Lab. Bring your own 3D models from the Intro to 3D Modeling class or learn how to find 3D objects online. Led by Chad Fust of Academic Computing Services.

discord logo smiley face on a game controller

Discord Workshop

Wednesday, October 20, 3:30 – 4:30  Zoom :

Discord is a video conferencing, instant messaging and digital distribution platform that has risen in popularity. Discord makes real-time and asynchronous communicating and filesharing easier than ever. Many professors have have been using Discord as a tool to facilitate discussions inside and outside of the classroom. We will cover the basics of setting up a chat server for your class, and share best practices for cultivating a digital community. Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services. Calendar Link

Capital I Lowercase D adobe indesign logo

Introduction to Adobe InDesign 10/27

Wednesday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Sci Vis Lab (BLS 101)

Adobe InDesign is a multi page design program – suited for creating e-books, portfolios, and magazines. In this workshop we will cover the basics of document creation as well as some graphic design principles to keep in mind when editing digital and print publications. Participants will start their own zine and learn how to access Adobe software on campus for their own projects. Led by Karly Andreassen of Academic Computing Services. Calendar Link

Intro to Stop-Motion Animation 

Friday, November 5, 1:00 – 2:30, Taylor Hall 318

Interested in Stop-motion animation? Come learn about Dragonframe animation software. Discover how to access campus resources such as cameras and studio space available to you to make your stop-motion film. During this workshop I will be showing some stop-motion examples and demonstrating the basics of starting a project in Dragonframe. Please email Amy Laughlin ( to reserve a space in the class. 

Chicago Hall Audio Recording in progress

Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources

Wednesday, November 10, 3:30 pm Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio production facilities in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

crane building a web page free image from pixabay

Campus Resources for Building Websites

Friday November 12, 9:30 – 10:30 Zoom Link

Need a website? Before you pay for hosting and support off-campus, let’s review the resources you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll provide an overview of Google Sites,, and our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Final Cut Pro icon, desktop and camera

Intro to Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X

Wednesday, December 1, 3:30 pm Electronic Classroom, Main Library

Interested in learning video editing or recording a narrated presentation? Come to this hands-on workshop where you will learn to use Apple’s powerful but easy to use video editing software. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.

omeka logo

Intro to Omeka

Monday, December 6, 3:30 pm Electronic Classroom, Main Library

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. This workshop will begin with the basics of creating an account and installing Omeka and its associated plugins. The most useful plugins and best practices for their use will be covered along with theming and site customization.
Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services (registration)

omeka collection from

Building Collections in Omeka

Wednesday, December 8, 3:30 pm Electronic Classroom, Main Library

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. This workshop will delve into the fundamental aspects of digital literacy necessary for a successful digital archival resource. Students will learn concepts related to communities of practice, documentation, metadata, file formats, standards, and copyright concerns. We will conclude with a review of site management and digital preservation best practices.
Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services (Registration)


What to do if your Moodle video doesn’t work

Many videos that are embedded into Moodle pages actually reside on Vassar’s Panopto streaming server. In order for that embedding to work, your browser must be configured to accept third-party cookies and allow cross-website tracking. Many browsers are configured this way be default, but some are not.

If the space where the video should appear show the VassarOne login screen or an error message, then you have a browser configuration problem. The easiest solution may be to switch to a different browser. But if you want to configure your browser to play these videos, here’s how:

(Quick fix: If you’re experiencing this problem using Safari on a laptop or desktop computer, switch to Chrome.)

Chrome on your Computer:
The default setting for Chrome is fine, but if it’s been changed, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right of your browser window. 
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Choose Privacy and Security.
  4. Choose Cookies and other site data.
  5. Choose to allow all cookies or block third-party cookies only in Incognito mode.

FireFox on your Computer:
The default setting for FireFox is fine, but if it’s been changed, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Click on the 3 horizontal lines in the upper right of your browser window.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Click on Privacy & Security.
  4. Click on Custom.
  5. Make sure that the settings do not block all cookies.

Internet Explorer on your Computer:

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right of your browser window. 
  2. Click on Internet options.
  3. Click on the Privacy tab and then on the Advanced button.
  4. Under First-party Cookies AND Third-party Cookies, choose Accept.

Safari on your Computer:
The default setting for Safari must be changed in order to view these videos.

  1. Under the Safari menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click on the Privacy icon.
  3. Make sure that “Prevent cross-site tracking” is unchecked.

Safari on iPad or iPhone:

  1. Go to your device’s Settings app and choose Safari.
  2. Deselect “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies.”

Chrome on your iPad (May not work on iPhone):

  1. Go to your device’s Settings app and choose Chrome.
  2. Enable “Allow Cross-Website Tracking.”