Swiping the V-Card

At this point of our project we have taken videos and plotted position vs. time graphs for each video to discover the velocity of the swipe. On average, we got constant velocities throughout each swipe and we ranged the swipe speeds from very slow to very fast. We obtained this data from plotting the cards location on the video using the program Logger Pro. We made sure to set the scale and orient the axis so the data came out accurately. We used a scale of 86mm, which was the length of the V-card. We then saved each graph and noted which velocities we’re accepted on the door swipe. We also tested swiping the card in the opposite direction, which no matter what, did not get recognized by the system. This is something we are going to look into while doing research.

Additionally, we used the V-card in the V-print machine. Unlike the door swipe, it seemed as though no matter what, it would accept the swipe. It would accept it swiped forward or backward, flipped towards or away from us, and at any speed. Continue reading

Power Consumption of Flash Drives


A laptop was plugged into the watts up? PRO and a baseline reading of its power consumption when it is turned off was taken (0 W). The laptop was then turned on and its power consumption was taken again (12.9 W). With no other programs running, a flash drive was inserted into a USB 2.0 port and a reading was taken of the total power consumption after equilibration. One document or video was opened from the flash drive and the maximum power reading was recorded. The same document or video was then opened directly from the laptop and the power reading was recorded again for comparison. A fourth reading of power consumption was taken when the flash drive was ejected from the laptop. This was done using flash drives of 256 MB, 2 GB (two separate flash drives; one is a micro), and 4 GB capacity.


Table 1 summarizes the change in power consumption when a flash drive was plugged into the laptop, when a document or video was opened, and when the flash drive was ejected. Tables 2 and 3 provide more detailed data of the experiments.

Click for full-size image.

Group 6 Project Script/Outline

Video time length estimate: approximately 5-6 minutes

Equipment used: Wattsup Pro, video camera

  • Introduction
  • Three scientists in the lab in white lab coats
  • Introduce show title: “Modern Technology Misconceptions Mythbusted”
  • Danyelle + self introduction
  • Maliha introduction
  • Michael introduction
  • “Nowadays, the average student has many misconceptions about modern technology… our goal today here is to debunk some of these myths… first, let’s see what it is kids are really thinking…”
  • Maliha
  • Myth 1 (Danyelle in charge of asking 5 people- by Thursday): [Insert clip of students answering myth question (Ex: What saves more energy: turning off your laptop after each use or keeping it on sleep mode during non-use?”)]
  • Conduct experiment using Wattsup Pro to find out which option uses the least amount of kilowatts
  • Recorded in lab
  • Myth 2 (Michael in charge of asking 5 people- by Thursday): ask students “Why do you think flight attendants ask passengers to shut off electronic equipment during take off and landing?”
  • [Insert clip of students answering question]
  • With research we will answer the above question
  • [Insert re-enacted clip of plane crashing using props] & [Insert clip of phone being off and plane flying normally]
  • [Insert clip of “scientist” explaining science behind each scene and illustrating on whiteboard what can go wrong/where it goes wrong]
  • Source list
  • www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_10/interfere_textonly.html
  • Myth 3 (Maliha in charge of asking 5 people- by Thursday): ask students “Do you think string lights use a greater amount of energy than a regular light bulb?”
  • [Insert clip of students answering question]
  • [Insert clip using Wattsup Pro to experiment on different strands of lights in different dorm rooms and different lamps]
  • Conclude myth
  • Conclusion
  • Figure the percent of students that answered the questions correctly and display results


    Project Data (Round 1)

    To test whether “average” music listeners can interpret a difference in sound quality or listening experience between songs played in digital (mp3) format and songs played in analog (vinyl) format, Group 10 planned an experiment that would require participants to listen to two 90-second samples of a primarily acoustic song (one played in mp3 format, and the other played in analog format).  The participant was blindfolded, and the order in which we played the analog and mp3 formats was determined by a coin-toss before each test.  After answering questions about the differences they noticed between the two copies of the same acoustic song, the experiment was repeated with a primarily electronic song.  We decided to use two songs from the acoustic and electronic genres primarily to see if there was any difference in format preference for either genre (for example, it has been argued that analog recordings better capture the range and depth of acoustic instruments, and that mp3s may be ideally suited to play computer-generated music).

    The following questions were asked of participants after each of their two “tests”:

    1)    Without defining the term, which sound source was of “higher quality”?

    2)    Did you notice any memorable characteristics of either sound source?

    3)    If you had to guess which sound source was played from a computer, which would you choose?

    For our first round of data collection, we sampled six participants, four males and two females, all students at Vassar College and between the ages of 18 and 22.  *Please note that we plan to have sampled a total of twenty participants by next week.

    At this first stage in our data gathering process, we cannot identify a significant difference in our data, and thus cannot conclusively state whether our hypothesis, that analog music will be interpreted by listeners as “higher quality”, cannot yet be confirmed.

    Preferred Format by Music Type:

    If anyone is interested, here are the links to the two songs we used!

    Electronic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyoDbX1EkPQ

    Acoustic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCD14IrOcIs

    Energy consumption of Irene’s room

    The energy consumption of my room turned out to be less than I thought. As expected, the refrigerator took up a large amount of my overall consumption. I was surprised at how little power my computer ended up using as I waited for the Watt’s Up Pro’s value to level out. One thing that surprised me was that the power strip and my chargers did not show a reading when tested while not in use. I had thought that the lights on the power strip and charger may have used some energy, but I guess the amount is negligible.

    An interesting thing to note is how the wattage appeared to change when measurements using the Watts Up Pro were taken from devices plugged directly into the Watts Up versus when the values were taken from the power strip connected to the wall. In addition to this preliminary data, I will be recording how long I am using these appliances over the next 3 days to determine my average energy consumption.

    Appliance Wattage Notes
    laptop 21-22 Increased from average of 17-22W after extended use, high 43 when turned on
    phone charger 4.1
    alarm clock 1.1
    phone + power strip 4.7
    laptop + powerstrip 23-24 Started at 32, slowly decreasing, flatlines around 23-24
    laptop+ phone+powerstrip 26.9
    fan- high setting 30
    fan-low setting 20.1
    fan-medium setting 23.5
    fridge 283 Slowly decreasing over time
    camera charger 3.5
    camera + powerstrip 3.9

    Data: Some Mythbusting of Bad Physics

    In our research for our project film on Bad Physics in film, we discovered multiple clips that break some pretty simple physics rules. Here are a few of the clips we found and the data that says the physics is wrong!


    The above clip is from George Lucas’ Star Wars. What’s wrong with it? Well, first off, there are laser beams shooting from those spaceships, and that is not realistic. Even if deathly laser beams were real, they would not be visible because they would travel at the speed of light. These lasers would have to have pulsed waves because they would more energy to destroy a target. Because they are pulsed they are less monochromatic, making them colorless as opposed the reds and greens seen in the clip. (Data from our wonderful LTT class!)  Another thing that is wronf with the clip is the explosions. Those can’t happen in space because there is no oxygen available to continue the explosion. You also would not be able to hear the explosion (or the laser beams for that matter) because there is no sound in space. This is because there is no gas in space to transmit the sound waves.

    There are a lot of things wrong with this clip, but we’ll start with the man stopping the van 30 seconds into the clip. Not possible. Here are some calculations!

    CALCULATION: p = mv; (2,700kg*27m/s) = 72,900 N*s (for typical ~6000lb van going 60 mph) ; (70kg * 4.4 m/s) = 308 N*s ( for typical 154 lb human with a running head start @ 10 mph to stop truck).  The human would gain a lot of momentum in the opposite direction and the van would lose a small amount of momentum. Momentum is conserved. Human is crushed.

    Of course sometimes, Physics in movies can be correct. The following clip is a ‘how they did it’ scene for the Guiness record-breaking car flip in Casino Royale.

    The funny thing is, the car flip is definitely possible if used with the right machinery. At first, the stuntmen could not get the car to flip the way they wanted it to because of what they were using. Then they used some new things, as seen in the clip, and they car flipped a lot more than they thought it would. But if you were to watch the scene straight from the film, you would think it was naturally possible for a car to flip that many times just by swerving your car off the road. But you can not. You would need the proper equipment to do so.

    There is more information, calculation, and resources to come later, but we don’t want to give it all away now!

    Outline of HAARP Project

    Storyboard of animation: HAARP facility creating aurora with ELF radio waves

    1. The Array sends out a signal
      1. the individual antenna in the array cause electrons to oscillate, and generate a wave
      2. the waves from the array actually make the ionosphere into an antenna, creating an ELF wave (can reach 100 km wavelength)
    2. The wave hits ions in the ionosphere
      1. the ionosphere is around 100 km in altitude
      2. it contains ions of primarily oxygen, but also hydrogen and nitrogen
      3. the wave hits an ion, giving it a higher energy
      4. the ion joins with a normal oxygen, bumping its energy up, making O(1D)
      5. the oxygen relaxes back to its normal state, and a photon is created!
      6. It’ll be in the wavelength 630 nanometers, which is visible to the eye as a green light!

    Preliminary animation models

    HAARP antenna (reference: http://uforeview.tripod.com/cjimages/haarp.jpg)

    Oxygen molecule

    HAARP and Radio Frequency

    • HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) can produce 3600 kW of radio frequency (RF) power.
    • As its name implies, HAARP can generate high frequency waves, HF, up to 10 MHz.
    • HAARP can also be to generate extremely low frequency (ELF 3-30 Hz) and very low frequency (VLF 3-30 kHz) waves through a process called modulated heating.
    • Regardless of the frequency, HAARP, in conjunction with the ionosphere and magnetosphere, can direct RF to remote areas around the world.
    • Because of this phenomenon, the Department of Defense is particularly interested in HAARP’s potential for improving communication technology.

    HAARP and Conspiracies

    • HAARP has been the target of many conspiracy theorists who believe that it has been used for weather modification, specifically for generating earthquakes.
    • These ideas are present in the media and have been even reinforced by note-worthy sources. Of course, there are also many sources that are far from the truth.
    • The underlying idea of the conspiracy is that HAARP focuses radio waves at a selected location, matches the resonant frequency of the earth (speculated by Tesla to be 8 Hz), which builds up stress, and causes the tectonic plates to grind against each other, resulting in an earthquake.
    • This idea has been supported by evidence such as ELF wave and ionospheric anomalies before major earthquakes.

    HAARP and Earthquakes

    • HAARP can produce an aurora borealis effect by directing HF waves at the ionosphere.
    • People have observed strange lights in the sky that resemble what HAARP does right before major earthquakes. As a result, some people perceived a cause-and-effect relationship and believe that HAARP is responsible for the earthquake.
    • This argument, however, is a logical fallacy. The ELF wave and ionospheric anomalies that precede the earthquake are not caused by HAARP, but by the earthquake.
    • Furthermore, the RF frequencies are not powerful enough to induce earthquakes and the changes in the ionosphere do not affect the weather.

    Outline of credible sources
    Harrison, R. G., K. L. Aplin, and M. J. Rycroft. “Atmospheric Electricity Coupling between Earthquake Regions and the Ionosphere.” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-TerrestrialPhysics 72.5-6 (2010): 376-81. SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Kagan, L. M. “Auroral Lights Created by High-Power Radiowaves in the Ionospheric e Region.”   Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50.7 (2008) SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Kagan, L. M., J. W. MacDougall, and M. C. Kelley. “A Mechanism for Extraordinary Bright         Radiowave-Induced Aurora in the Ionospheric E Region.” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 71.5 (2009): 553-8. SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Kosch, M. J., et al. “Artificial Optical Emissions in the High-Latitude Thermosphere Induced by Powerful Radio Waves: An Observational Review.” Advances in Space Research 40.3 (2007): 365-76. SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Onishi, T., J. -J Berthelier, and M. Kamogawa. “Critical Analysis of the Electrostatic Turbulence Enhancements Observed by DEMETER Over the Sichuan Region during the Earthquake Preparation.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 11.2 (2011): 561-70. SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Onishi, T., M. Parrot, and J. -J Berthelier. “The DEMETER Mission, Recent Investigations on
    Ionospheric Effects Associated with Man-made Activities and Seismic Phenomena.” ComptesRendus Physique SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Sandahl, I., T. Sergienko, and U. Brändström. “Fine Structure of Optical Aurora.” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70.18 (2008): 2275-92. SCOPUS. 19 Apr. 2011 <www.scopus.com>.

    Zhang, X., et al. “ULF/ELF Ionospheric Electric Field and Plasma Perturbations Related to

    Chile Earthquakes.” Advances in Space Research 47.6 (2011): 991-1000. SCOPUS. 19 Apr.


    Stanford University VLF Group. “Stanford VLF Home Page.” STAR Lab: Science, Telecommunications, and Radioscience Laboratory. Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://www-star.stanford.edu/~vlf/>.

    Preliminary absorbance data for various liquors

    We were able to analyze the absorbances of five samples of alcohol: gin, whiskey, light tequila, dark tequila, and grain alcohol. Interestingly, absorbance peaks were similar for gin, light tequila, and grain alcohol (samples 1, 4, and 5, respectively); both whiskey (2) and dark tequila (3) had unique absorbance spectra:


    Data table of absorbance peaks.

    The absorbance data correlates with qualitative observations of color:

    From left to right, water, gin, whiskey, dark tequila, light tequila, and grain alcohol in spectrophotometry cuvettes.

    We will analyze the data and create a song to present to the class.

    Electricity Use Data for Apple Products and Their Rivals

    The following three graphs compare rival products. The Blackberry used the most power and the Droid used the least. That means the iPhone used less than the Blackberry, but more than the Droid.The below two graphs compare the electricity use of a PC laptop and a Macbook. They use relatively similar maximum power. The graphs look fairly different because the Macbook started out in “sleep” mode, then powered on and then browsed the internet while the PC was already on, but then browsed the internet.

    Applications of mind-reading research

    Group 13: Data!

    Quick recap: We’re investigating the science of “mind-reading.” Each of us selected a specific topic to research. Maddy is looking into how fMRI works. Adam is examining current research being done. I (Jackie) am going to talk about applications of all this technology.

    Here’s what I’ve found so far:

    Applications of mind-reading technology

    • Applications of “mind-reading” technology
      • Overview, previous approaches, limitations – deCharms (2008) discusses how real-time brain imaging (e.g., with fMRI) allows access to both subjective experience (to an extent) and to objective observations and quantitative measurements of brain activity. He outlines some past approaches to “mind-reading” as well as limitations to current approaches. This leads to a discussion of the applications of current neuroimaging research:
    • Lie detection
      • Langleben (2008) argues that blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI could be sensitive to differences between lies and truth. The key, he claims, is that BOLD fMRI can only compare states rather than positively identify deception. He discusses how many popular science articles conflate how much fMRI can do.
      • Mertens & Allen (2008) discuss whether ERP-based procedures could detect deception, instead of or in addition to fMRI.
      • Moreno (2009) discuss ethical issues in lie detection and how the law should be influenced by cognitive neuroscience, specifically in cases where neuroimaging could be used to determine truth, lies, and guilt.
    • Pain detection
      • Marquand et al. (2010) suggest that supervised machine learning algorithms can be used to decode fMRI data. They use this kind of technique to show that fMRI can be used to predict participants’ subjective pain ratings and propose that it will be a useful method for producing qualitative predictions about brain states.
    • Brain-computer interfaces
      • Direct brain communication in paralysis, motor restoration in stroke – Birbaumer & Cohen (2007) evaluate the use of EEG and fMRI in brain-computer interfaces, focusing on applications for paralyzed patients and for motor restoration in the case of stroke. Although currently, our understanding of the information flow in the brain that is required for such interfaces to work is incomplete, such interfaces will eventually be able to be used for direct brain communication and will allow otherwise “locked-in” patients to interact with the world.
      • Daly & Wolpaw (2008) also discuss advances in the analysis of brain signals and training patients to control those signals, focusing on EEG techniques specifically for patients with severe motor disabilities.
    • Pattern analysis and future research
      • Norman et al. (2006) argue that fMRI data can be used in conjunction with sophisticated pattern-classification algorithms to decode the exact information represented in a patient’s brain at a particular moment in time. They discuss factors that would boost the performance of this method — it is possibly the most promising research toward actual mind-reading.
    • In the press: Where the reporters think this research is headed.
      • Biever (2008) – to record and read people’s dreams
      • Debrosse (2010) – as a counter-terrorism technique
      • Masterman (2009) – in court, for lie-detection
      • Graham-Rowe (2011) – brain-computer interfaces useful to the disabled
      • BBC News (2005) – to read unconscious thoughts, attitudes, preferences

    References (credible)
    Birbaumer, N., & Cohen, L. (2007). Brain-computer interfaces: communication and restoration of movement in paralysis. Journal of Physiology, 579.3: 621-636.

    Daly, J., & Wolpaw, J. (2008). Brain-computer interfaces in neurological rehabilitation. The Lancet Neurology, 7: 1032-43.

    deCharms, C. (2008). Applications of real-time fMRI. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9: 720-729.

    Langleben, D. (2008). Detection of deception with fMRI: Are we there yet? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 13: 1-9.

    Marquand, A., Howard, M., Brammer, M., Chu, C., Coen, S., & Mourão-Miranda, J. (2010). Neuroimage, 49(3): 2178-2189.

    Metens, R., & Allen, J. (2007). The role of psychophysiology in forensic assessments: Deception detection, ERPs, and virtual reality mock crime scenarios. Psychophysiology, 45 (2): 286-298.

    Moreno, J. (2009). Future of neuroimaged lie detection and the law. Akron Law Review, 717-737.

    Normon, K., Polyn, S., Detre, G., & Haxby, J. (2006). Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(9): 424-430.

    Popular science news

    BBC News. (2005, April 25). Bran scan ‘sees hidden thoughts’. BBC News: Health. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4472355.stm.

    Biever, C. (2008, December 12). ‘Mind-reading’ software could record your dreams. NewScientist: Tech. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16267-mindreading-software-could-record-your-dreams.html.

    Debrosse, J. (2010, March 15). Mind-reading technology being researched for foil terrorist attempts. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Dateline. (Document ID: 1983690351).

    Graham-Rowe, D. (2011, April 12). Dialing with your thoughts. Technology Review. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from http://www.technologyreview.com/communications/37357/?a=f.

    Masterman, J. (2009, April 23). Current debates about fMRI research methods bear on policy questions. Science progress. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from http://www.scienceprogress.org/2009/04/fmri-mindreading-studies/.