Swiping the V-Card

At this point of our project we have taken videos and plotted position vs. time graphs for each video to discover the velocity of the swipe. On average, we got constant velocities throughout each swipe and we ranged the swipe speeds from very slow to very fast. We obtained this data from plotting the cards location on the video using the program Logger Pro. We made sure to set the scale and orient the axis so the data came out accurately. We used a scale of 86mm, which was the length of the V-card. We then saved each graph and noted which velocities we’re accepted on the door swipe. We also tested swiping the card in the opposite direction, which no matter what, did not get recognized by the system. This is something we are going to look into while doing research.

Additionally, we used the V-card in the V-print machine. Unlike the door swipe, it seemed as though no matter what, it would accept the swipe. It would accept it swiped forward or backward, flipped towards or away from us, and at any speed.

Here are the results from our experiment:

  • Trial 1: Not accepted [v=0.06 m/s]
  • Trial 2: Accepted [v=0.14 m/s]
  • Trial 3: Accepted [v=0.27 m/s]
  • Trial 4: Accepted [v=0.73 m/s]
  • Trial 5: Accepted [v=1.2 m/s]
  • Trial 6: Accepted [v=1.8 m/s]
  • Trial 7: Not accepted [v=2.5 m/s]


From this data we could assume the best values to swipe your V-card to get into a building are from: 0.17 – 1.8 m/s. Anything below or above this value tended to have the machine yield: Re-read or nothing at all. In the next part of the experiment we want to look into why this happens.

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