Group 5 Work Plan

Equipment List:
x 1 High speed camera
x 1 Meter stick
x 1 Large metal ball
x 1 Small metal ball
x 1 Computer

Set-up of demonstration:

The basic idea is to have a bird’s eye view of the test model within a circular area with a specific radius where the smaller ball (the kinetic impactor) would be launched from a central launching point (assumed to be Earth) at a larger ball (the asteroid) to collide and deviate the larger ball off-course. There will be different speeds of the smaller ball to determine the optimal parameters necessary to deflect an asteroid coming towards Earth without catastrophic effects.

Week of September 23rd:


Diagram model for camera set-up.


Start filming deflector (kinetic impactor) model. Measure input data (how heavy are the objects and distance).


Continue filming. Extrapolate data from model to generate an asteroid of randomly generated dimensions for mathematical models.

Week of September 30


Model gravity and nuclear blast impact through mathematical equations.


Enter LaTex + data



Week of October 7


Write conclusion and compile results.



One thought on “Group 5 Work Plan

  1. Avatar photoJenny Magnes

    How does this setup relate to your original abstract? What outcome(s) do you expect? What is the make and model of each piece of equipment used. What camera did you decide on? What is the science here? How are you planning on dividing the labor? Please change the setting for your category.

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