Category Archives: Departments Energy Consumption

Final Results and a Map To Go Along With It

Neutral (Nothing Open) Web Site Open 2 Programs + Web
48.6 W 49.0 W 51.0 W
47.9 W 50.2 W 51.6 W
48.9 W 49.9 W 52.0 W
AVG = 48.46 W AVG= 49.7 W AVG = 51.53 W AVG = 49.89 W
Central Hudson Costs Cost (AVG)/  Work Day
Off-Peak= $.04370/ KwHr $ .021 / Work Day
Peak = $.06086/KwHr
AVG = $ .05228/ KwHr
Department #of Computers Cost/ Work Day
Anthropology 8 $0.17
Art 19 $0.40
Biology 25 $0.53
Chemistry 23 $0.48
Chinese/Japanese 8 $0.17
Computer Science 9 $0.19
Dance 10 $0.21
Drama 12 $0.25
Earth Science/Geography 9 $0.19
Economics 13 $0.27
Education 9 $0.19
English 31 $0.65
Film 10 $0.21
French 8 $0.17
German 4 $0.08
Hispanic Studies 8 $0.17
History 17 $0.36
Italian 7 $0.15
Mathematics 9 $0.19
Music 40 $0.84
Philosophy 9 $0.19
Athletics 27 $0.57
Physics/Astronomy 11 $0.23
Political Science 13 $0.27
Psychology 21 $0.44
Religion 9 $0.19
Russian 4 $0.08
Sociology 10 $0.21

Alternate Campus Map


Tomorrow, we will present the following data on computer use at Vassar:

Department # Computers Note(s)
Anthropology 8
Art 19
Biology 25
Chemistry 23
Chinese/Japanese 8
Computer Science 9
Dance 10
Drama 12
Earth Science/Geography 9
Economics 13
Education 9
English 31
Film 10
Franch and Francophone 8 **
German 4 **
Hispanic 8 **
History 17
Italian 7 **
Mathematics 9
Music 40 *
Philosophy 9
Physical Education 27 *
Political Science 13
Psychology 21
Religion 9
Russian 4 **
Sociology 10
We will present our findings by making categorizes of computer usage based on academic field (i.e. Science, humanities, etc…)

We will address the issues we faced regarding getting more data regarding energy usage.

Finally, we will present what we seek to calculate, using a watts up pro, and the map we will create using those results.

We will include the following results:

To Note:

-This data does not include public (for class use) and personal (for professors’ research) labs in any of the departments, particularly the biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics, and psychology departments.  Without access to a number of the labs, it is impossible to estimate how many computers are utilized without being inaccurate and biased to some extent. Therefore, we are only examining the energy used in each academic department’s office. Thus, energy use will correlate with size of department.

-According to the office of computer information services (CIS), each faculty and staff member in a department should have one computer (although some do bring in their own laptops in addition to their office desktop, according to CIS). Therefore, we calculated the number of computers in each academic department through estimating that the number of faculty and staff in a given department equals the number of computers in that department. Because of this, there is certainly a great amount of room for error, as some faculty and staff could use more than one computer (or possibly not use a computer at all, although that is extremely unlikely), some professors work in multiple departments and only utilize one office, and some offices have extra computers for student use. Furthermore, according to CIS the models of the computers vary, but we are unable to take into account which computers require more energy than others, thus we treated all computers equally in terms of energy expenditure. So while our results may not be 100% accurate, we should be able to give a rough estimate of how much energy each department office utilizes.

-We only calculated academic departments; we did not include any academic programs (e.g. Africana Studies, Cognitive Science, Urban Studies etc.). We followed the Vassar College catalogue’s categorization of departments and programs.

-Computers of professors who are on sabbatical were not included in this data, as they are most likely not utilizing their office computers this term.


*One very important note for the music and physical education departments: while their numbers seem to be huge, this is misleading. For the music department, faculty and staff include visiting artists and instructors (such as voice teachers and accompanists), and these individuals either share computers or do not have one at all. For the physical education department, faculty and staff include coaches and assistant coaches, who may share computers. Perhaps we shouldn’t include them in this study?

**These language departments share administrative assistants, but just in case one computer has been added to each department.

Preliminary Data

Thus far, we have been notified by CIS of each department’s computer usage.

We are waiting for Buildings and Grounds, and the Department Chairs to notify us of #rooms and special equipment per department. We may have to alter our methodology based on what the various departments provide us with.

However, it is important we have computer information, because we can assume they are all the same type of computer, and that will help us when we calculate results, and conclude on our findings.

Department # Computers Note(s)
Anthropology 8
Art 19
Biology 25
Chemistry 23
Chinese/Japanese 8
Computer Science 9
Dance 10
Drama 12
Earth Science/Geography 9
Economics 13
Education 9
English 31
Film 10
Franch and Francophone 8 **
German 4 **
Hispanic 8 **
History 17
Italian 7 **
Mathematics 9
Music 40 *
Philosophy 9
Physical Education 27 *
Political Science 13
Psychology 21
Religion 9
Russian 4 **
Sociology 10

To Note:

-This data does not include public (for class use) and personal (for professors’ research) labs in any of the departments, particularly the biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics, and psychology departments.  Without access to a number of the labs, it is impossible to estimate how many computers are utilized without being inaccurate and biased to some extent. Therefore, we are only examining the energy used in each academic department’s office. Thus, energy use will correlate with size of department.

-According to the office of computer information services (CIS), each faculty and staff member in a department should have one computer (although some do bring in their own laptops in addition to their office desktop, according to CIS). Therefore, we calculated the number of computers in each academic department through estimating that the number of faculty and staff in a given department equals the number of computers in that department. Because of this, there is certainly a great amount of room for error, as some faculty and staff could use more than one computer (or possibly not use a computer at all, although that is extremely unlikely), some professors work in multiple departments and only utilize one office, and some offices have extra computers for student use. Furthermore, according to CIS the models of the computers vary, but we are unable to take into account which computers require more energy than others, thus we treated all computers equally in terms of energy expenditure. So while our results may not be 100% accurate, we should be able to give a rough estimate of how much energy each department office utilizes.

-We only calculated academic departments; we did not include any academic programs (e.g. Africana Studies, Cognitive Science, Urban Studies etc.). We followed the Vassar College catalogue’s categorization of departments and programs.

-Computers of professors who are on sabbatical were not included in this data, as they are most likely not utilizing their office computers this term.


*One very important note for the music and physical education departments: while their numbers seem to be huge, this is misleading. For the music department, faculty and staff include visiting artists and instructors (such as voice teachers and accompanists), and these individuals either share computers or do not have one at all. For the physical education department, faculty and staff include coaches and assistant coaches, who may share computers. Perhaps we shouldn’t include them in this study?

**These language departments share administrative assistants, but just in case one computer has been added to each department.

Project Plan: Group 6

Roles/ Methodology:

David-Contact departments to find out # of computers (Assume: all computers powered from 9-5) per department and gather information regarding class use of rooms. (Assumption: lights are only on when rooms are in use). Make calculations based on assumptions and Emilio’s findings.

Clement-Contact departments to find out which special devices are used, and how often (ie: scientific equipment). Make price calculations based on David’s results and local power company rates.

Emilio-Use “watts up pro” to calculate computer/equipment energy use

Technology Involved:

Watts Up Pro- Used to calculate computer/special equipment device energy usage


Individuals will make there findings and calculations this week. We will meet on the weekend of Friday November 18 to combine data/price results into an excel file

After Thanksgiving, we will meet to identify exactly how we will make the creative campus map based on energy use/costs


We expect that scientific departments (ie: equipment use departments) will have relatively higher usage and costs as compared to other departments. Also, a department like theater, that uses a lot of light in a space like the Theater or Cinema will have higher usage/costs.

Vassar Energy: A department by department analysis

We want to see the department by department breakdown of energy use. We will do this by analyzing light, computer, and equipment use, holding time used as a constant (assumption). We predict that science departments will have a greater energy use relative to a humanities or social science department. We will put our findings onto  a campus map that is already designed on line.