Light and Liquor – the Music Video

Here, we present the results of our spectrophotometric analysis of various liquors in song.


light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
and visible light is many wavelengths in combination
and each wavelength is associated with a specific particle of energy
but do different alcohols absorbs these wavelengths equally?

well we tested five kinds of alcohol some differing in color
and their absorbance spectra were different from each other
each spectrophotometer reading gaves us a few distinct peaks
looking back on our data we noticed many repeats

the three light alcohols
gin, grain alcohol and light tequila
had absorbance peaks very much the same

but whiskey and dark tequila absorbed light in a different way

so this quantitative analysis matches
with the qualitative analysis of the color
the lighter and the darker alcohol’s absorbance peaks
do not agree with one another

so if
light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
visible light is many wavelengths in combination
and each wavelength is associated with a specific particle of energy
different alcohols do not absorb these wavelengths equally
no different alcohols do not absorb these wavelengths

HOLOGRAMS: History and Usage

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Data: To be viewed in person through a self-constructed hologram.

In physics terminology the hologram is defined as such: “a hologram is a record of the interaction of two mutually coherent light beams, in the form of a microscopic pattern of interference fringes.” To the casual observer this would appear to be an overly complex definition of what appears to us as three-dimensional photograph, however, there fortunately is a middle ground to be found. In the most basic terms, a hologram is an imprinted two-dimensional image that has been exposed to monochromatic light and when properly illuminated in a collimated beam of monochromatic light produces a three-dimensional image. Though holography is often associated with its predecessor, the photograph, their only real similarity is the use of photographic film, for while photography can be described in terms of Euclidean geometry, the hologram relies on the principles of diffraction and interference, which are properties of waves and must be defined through them.

The concept of interference is perhaps best illustrated by the disruption of radio waves in areas with extremely tall buildings. While passing through such an area the receiver in a standard radio receives not one, but two distinct signals: one from the original transmitter and they other from the reflection of that transmission from the buildings. A certainly points the waves are in phase with each other, producing an extremely amplified signal. At other points the waves are out of phase, troughs occurring in one, while the other is at a crest, producing silence as the waves cancel one another out.

The first true hologram was produced in 1948 by Denis Gabor using primarily the concept of interference. Using a transparent lens with a series of opaque lines, he focused a beam of monochromatic light parallel to the lens. The interference that occurred between the beam and the light scattered by the lines was imprinted on a film. Unlike stereoscopic photography, which deceives the human eye by capturing only two portions of the wavefront (locus of all points in a light beam that are in the same phase), producing an illusion of depth that can be discovered by simply changing ones viewing position, Gabor’s film now contained all the information about the wavefront of the object. He now needed only to develop the film just as one would a negative and pass the same collimated beam through it again producing two waves of the same magnitude but opposite signs. One was the reconstructed image of the object from the original scattered wave and the other the conjugate image that appeared on the opposite side of the hologram. However the quality of the image was poor, as the conjugate image and scattered light from the direct beam made viewing the reconstruction difficult. It should also be noted that the image was two-dimensional rather than three-dimensional.

Diffraction is simply the characteristic of light to spread out in a defined matter when passed through a narrow grating. The cosine grating is the most basic from of such narrowing; when a laser beam is passed through it, three beams emerge. Diffraction became useful in the creation of holograms once monochromatic laser light was developed, allowing for the creation of the modern hologram.

The modern hologram is produced in largely the same way as Gabor’s original, however, with some important differences. First the object was three-dimensional, and was placed in a glass cylinder with holographic film taped around the inside. The object is then exposed to concentrated laser light diffracted first through a microscopic objective lens. The object is directly impacted by the central portions of the laser light and the film is impacted by the outer portions of the laser diffraction. The object is then removed and the developed film placed in its original position. When the film is re-exposed to only the portions of laser that directly struck the film a three-dimensional image appears. As laser light is far less chaotic than previous light sources, the image also appears far clearer. Advancements in hologram technology have continued beyond this, allowing for greater variation in color and sharper images, however, the basic procedures have largely remained the same since the advent of proper lighting instruments.

When holograms first appeared in popular imagery during the 1970s the technology instantly seemed to be the stuff “sci-fi” dreams were made of. Popularized through cameos in films like Star Wars and TV shows like Star Trek, holograms fit in perfectly with a techno-romantic vision of the future.

While these fictionalized depictions of the technology remain a mainstay of modern technological lore, the usage of holograms has become quite practical in a contemporary context. Holograms are an important part of daily life. Perhaps the most utilitarian use of the hologram is its government-sanctioned usage. Holographic technology has become an important enforcer of international and domestic tax and tariff laws. Products like alcohol and cigarettes, which have a wide presence on the black market, are subject to duties that must be paid before they are placed on the shelves of legitimate retailers.  Holograms are used to ensure that those fees are paid. Individualized holograms (see Prezi à “Government/Security”) are affixed to products of good legal standing. These holograms are difficult to fake and ensure the collection of important governmental revenue. Likewise, similar holograms are attached to driver’s licenses and credit cards to prevent fraud and to ensure legal compliance. American credit firms Visa and MasterCard began their use of holograms with the now famous “Dove Hologram” in 1984. Governments too began placing holograms on identification cards and paper currency in the early 1990s. In this same manner holographic images can also be seen on concert tickets, phone cards, and on consumer products to confer legitimacy.

While security issues are implicit in much of the hologram’s usage the beauty of this technology and the images it can produce are not ignored by artists, advertisers, musicians, and designers. Companies that solicit the use of holograms on their products continually see a spike in sales. The colorful complexity of these fabricated images are eye-catching and visually enticing to consumers. Though holograms are easy enough to create, their presence on products increases the consumer’s perception of value allowing for an increase in both price and prestige. Such is the case in the fashion world. Designer Alexander McQueen’s Fall 2006 line featured a stunning life-size replica of supermodel Kate Moss in a hologram. (See Prezi à Fashion). These capabilities of holographic technology are not new, but the dazzling effect of this artistic usage helped McQueen earn his reputation as a “cutting edge” and “avant garde” designer.

It is not far off to envision a world covered in holographic imagery. American sports retailer Nike Inc. has initiated a large ad campaign of holograms in many of its retail stores. Moreover, Pierre Huyghe’s usage of superimposed holographic imagery in his video-art piece “One Million Kingdoms” helped earn the artist, and his fictionalized character “Ann Lee”, international notoriety in museums across the globe. (See Prezi à Art).  Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) employed kinetic hologram technology to help perfect the aerodynamics of the 5-series exterior body. This process has been converted to a museum installation for a permanent exhibit at the BMW Museum in Munich, Germany. Similarly, in 2006 Zebra Imaging out of Houston, Texas revealed its composite for holographic architectural modeling. The company creates holographic models of architectural designs that save space and cut down on the environmental materials required to create layered mock-ups. In almost all segments of the design field, creative professionals are utilizing holograms for their visual appeal and impressive ability to communicate large amounts of information.

Beyond their aesthetic value, holograms are also helping to save lives. The digitization of X-ray technology has allowed doctors and other medical personnel to create three-dimensional holographic images of X-Rays, CAT Scans, and other medical imaging.  This type of imaging allows physicians to view life-size depictions of the human body, eliminating the need for many surgeries and improving the accuracy of diagnosis. It is safe to say that holograms have come a long way since Princess Leia famously claimed, through a hologram no less, that Obi Wan Kenobi was her and her world’s only hope.

Household Radiation Measurements

Using a handheld Geiger counter, I tested 15 items/appliances for radiation. The results were somewhat unvaried, ranging from 0.01 to 0.03 mR(millirem)/hr .

Laptop: 0.02 mR/hr

Television: 0.01 mR/hr

Speakers: 0.01 mR/hr

Playstation 3: 0.02 mR/hr

Vending Machine: 0.02 mR/hr

Microwave: 0.03 mR/hr

Refrigerator: 0.03 mR/hr

Vacuum Cleaner: 0.01 mR/hr

Alarm Clock: 0.02 mR/hr

Smoke Detector: 0.02 mR/hr

Cellular Phone: 0.03 mR/hr

Vase: 0.02 mR/hr

Car Dashboard: 0.03 mR/hr

Lightbulb: 0.01 mR/hr

V-Card Reader: 0.02 mR/hr

To give you an idea of just how small these amounts are, here are some facts about radiation exposure (taken from Reuters):

People are exposed to natural radiation of 2-3 mSv a year.

In a CT scan, the organ being studied typically receives a radiation dose of 15 mSv in an adult to 30 mSv in a newborn infant.

A typical chest X-ray involves exposure of about 0.02 mSv, while a dental one can be 0.01 mSv.

Exposure to 100 mSv a year is the lowest level at which any increase in cancer risk is clearly evident. A cumulative 1,000 mSv (1 sievert) would probably cause a fatal cancer many years later in five out of every 100 persons exposed to it.

1 mSv (millisievert) is equal to 100 mR, so we are exposed to 200 – 300 mR/year. A chest X-ray exposes us to 0.02 mSv, or 2 mR. It would take roughly four days of nonstop exposure to a device that emits radiation at 0.02 mR/hr to receive as much radiation as is emitted by an X-ray in one sitting. Even so, this amount is 1/50 of the lowest level at which there is an increase in cancer risk.

On March 26, at Fukushima Monitoring Post 79, radiation was being emitted at a rate of 825 μSv (microsievert)/hr, or 82.5 mR/hr; that’s 0.83 mSv/hr, which means that if you were exposed for four or five days, you would approach the lowest level of radiation for cancer risk.

Work in Progress

Here’s what Andrew and I have completed so far on our poems. It’s still a work in progress.


The Radiation

Amplifies your photons

You stimulate me


Optics adapted

A new outlook on my world

Shooting for the stars


Now I am stronger

I can do more for myself

And more for others


My friends, astronomers

The Keck Observatory



Once, things were unclear,

I love you so very much,

Bright sexy laser.



I’m lost and adrift, searching through a vast black sea,

Without a star to show me the way;

I can only hope my helmsman’s aim and judgment is true,

I go whichever direction he points;

It’s as if his map is made to divulge only directions,

It tells which way but not how far;

If only there was a means to remedy this predicament,

A veritable Sherpa of the stars;

Of all the places in the universe the sky is the ficklest,

It distorts what seems to be clear,

It creates a turbid cloud before the stars, a mirage,

Making penetration a fool’s task.

Project Plan

For our project, we each found and investigated a youtube video that involved flames/candles/household objects in a “science” experiment.

We then each prepared a scripts for our section on the video investigation of these videos. We took turns filming so that everyone would have an equal part in putting the project together. We are also going to work cooperatively in the final editing of the video, which is taking place now.

The science we are exploring involves properties of household objects that are surprising and we go into brief detail about the specifics in the video.

We collected our “data” on Monday the  18, and we had met twice in the preceding week to discuss our project and the videos that we each found.

We expected that maybe one of the videos would work, but we were surprised by the outcomes that we found. We expected that some of the videos must have been the research of camera trickery, but it seems that science videos on youtube may be more than just tricks.

Preliminary Data- Current Research in Thought Detection

Cerf, M., Thiruvengadam, N., Mormann, F., Kraskov, A., Quiroga, R.Q., Koch, C. and Fried, I. (2010). On-line, voluntary control of human temporal lobe neurons. Nature, 467, 1104-1108

Dr. Moran Cerf and colleagues have been able to connect the activity of single neurons to images on a computer screen. Participants are then able to fade these images in and out based on what they are thinking about. Initially, the study participants looked at hundreds of images in order for the researchers to build a database of image-neuron associations. The researchers then instructed participants to focus on one of two superimposed images. They were, with great accuracy, able to determine which picture the participants were looking at based on only their thoughts.

Naselaris, T., Prenger, R.J., Kay, K.N., Oliver, M. and Gallant, J.L. (2009). Bayesian reconstruction of natural images from human brain activity. Neuron, 63(6), 902-915

This pioneering experiment involved the use of a newly developed machine that can recreate a moving image from the brain activity of a participant watching a video. While the results are grainy and crude, the researchers were able to make out, for instance,  the outline of a man in a white shirt from the brain activity of a participant watching a video with Steve Martin. Dr Gallant, the principle researcher, feels that his technology is close to becoming a practical form of mind reading, in which doctors can look into the mind of schizophrenic patients or judges can look into the minds of criminals.

Kamitani, Y. and Tong, F. (2006). Decoding seen and attended motion directions from activity in the human visual cortex. Current Biology, 16(11), 1096-1102

This research group proposed that the areas of the brain used to deconstruct visual information is also involved with processing memories associated with this information. Using this basis, the researchers conducted a study in which volunteers were shown two different patterns, and told to remember their pattern for a short period after viewing. Based on fMRI brain activity patterns, the researchers were able to detect which pattern a participant was thinking about.

Mitchell, T.M., Shinkareva, S.V., Carlson, A., Chang, K., Malave, V.L., Mason, R.A. and Just, M.A. (2008). Predicting human brain activity associated with the meanings of neurons. Science, 320, 1191-1195

Mitchell and colleagues designed a computational model that predicts fMRI neural associations with words for which fMRI activation information is not yet available. This is one of the first forays into mind-reading that does not require the subject to be looking at a picture of what he/she is thinking about. Their new model integrates the use of a trillion-word text corpus and observed fMRI data associated with several dozen concrete nouns. From this initial information, the researchers are able to, with a high degree of accuracy, predict fMRI activation for thousands of different concrete nouns.

Haynes, J.D., Sakai, K., Rees, G., Gilbert, S., Frith, C. and Passingham, R.E. (2007). Reading hidden intentions in the human brain. Current Biology, 17(4), 323-328

Dr. Haynes and colleagues are interested in reading an individual’s intentions rather than simply decoding information about a concrete object. In this study, the researchers allow the subjects to choose one of two tasks to complete. From fMRI readings, the researchers are able to reliably pick which task will be completed before the subject initiates the task. These results suggest that covert goals or intentions can be represented by patterns of activity in the pre-frontal cortex, which researchers are then able to decode using fMRI.

Samantha Gross, “Intel Shows Off ‘Mind-Reading’ Brain-Scan Technology,” The Huffington Post, April 8th, 2010, accessed April 19th, 2011,

Mind-reading research is not only being assessed in an academic research setting. Large corporations are researching the technology, and developing advanced machines that can decode fMRI information faster than humans. Intel Corporation showed off its own software that can quickly decode fMRI information, and reliably predict what an individual is thinking about based on neuronal activity. Researchers from Intel Labs believes this is the first step towards one day being able to control technology with our minds.

(Above video from