6 – Data Update

Our project started ambitiously with the goal of amplifying NFC signals, or reversing the nullification of NFC that occurs when a chip is backed with metal. Unfortunately we could not acquire thin enough materials (such as permalloy or ferrite foil/film) to properly test whether this was possible. We then pivoted and decided to test the range of data transfers when the NFC chip was backed with various materials of different electromagnetic permeability.


Establish an average distance of transfers from

Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
no backing



  1. 3.5cm
  2. 4.0cm
  3. 3.7cm
  4. 3.7cm
  5. 3.8cm
  6. 4.0cm
  7. 3.7cm
  8. 3.5cm
  9. 3.3cm
  10. 3.8cm
  11. 3.6cm
  12. 3.8cm
  13. 3.3cm
  14. 3.9cm
  15. 3.5cm
  16. 3.8cm
  17. 3.9cm
  18. 3.3cm
  19. 3.3cm
  20. 3.5cm

Avg. 3.645cm


Establish an average distance of transfers from
Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
.9mm stainless steel backing



  1. No Transfer

Establish an average distance of transfers from

Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
10cm iron backing


  1. 1.9
  2. 2
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.1
  5. 1.6
  6. 1.8
  7. 1.2
  8. 1.1
  9. 1.5
  10. 1.7
  11. 1.6
  12. 2.2
  13. 1.9
  14. 2.3
  15. 2.4
  16. 2.1
  17. 1.7
  18. 1.6
  19. 1.5
  20. 1.8

Avg. 1.72cm


Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
1.2 cm glass backing


  1. 4.1
  2. 3.5
  3. 3.7
  4. 4
  5. 4.5
  6. 3
  7. 4.2
  8. 4.3
  9. 4
  10. 4
  11. 4.1
  12. 4.7
  13. 4.5
  14. 4.1
  15. 4.2
  16. 4.2
  17. 3.8
  18. 4.3
  19. 4.5
  20. 4.6

Avg. 4.115cm


Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
16mm ferrite backing


  1. 2.1
  2. 2.4
  3. 2
  4. 1.8
  5. 2
  6. 1.9
  7. 2
  8. 2.2
  9. 2.4
  10. 1.7
  11. 2.1
  12. 1.9
  13. 1.7
  14. 2
  15. 1.5
  16. 1.9
  17. 2.1
  18. 2.0
  19. 1.8
  20. 2.1

Avg. 1.98cm


Samsung NFC NFC on Li-ion battery
3.8cm Circular RapidNFC NTAG203
Wood backing


  •      1.  3.2
  1. 3.2
  2. 3
  3. 2.8
  4. 2.9
  5. 2.7
  6. 2.4
  7. 3.6
  8. 3.8
  9. 3.4
  10. 3.6
  11. 3
  12. 3.9
  13. 3.7
  14. 3.9
  15. 3.3
  16. 3.5
  17. 3.9
  18. 3.5
  19. 3.2

Avg. 3.325cm



One thought on “6 – Data Update

  1. Avatar photoJenny Magnes

    I have a lot of questions about this data run. The headings for two different data runs are identical. What is different about them? It is okay to change your focus, but explain how you took the data. How are you initiating the data transfer? How do you know it was successful? You have a very interesting project. It is easy to get lost in the details and forget what your audience does not know.

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