Group 3 Abstract

Our group will perform data collection using the WattsUpPro device to determine the battery usage of different laptops at different screen brightness levels. We will use the laptops of our peers to get a sampling of a variety of different models of MacBook laptops, since this is the most widely used laptop on campus. Our goal is to determine how much changing the brightness level actually effects battery consumption and if it is worth it to lower brightness and cause unwanted eye strain.We expect that lowering the brightness will decrease battery consumption at a consistent ratio. We want to determine how much different screen brightness levels actually affect how quickly a laptop battery will die.

1 thought on “Group 3 Abstract

  1. Avatar photoJenny Magnes

    I can also see that this is a topic of general interest and well chosen. I am not sure that you have any evidence that lower brightness will cause more eyestrain. Some references may be needed here.

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