Journeys Toward Justice – Climate Change in Boston: Social Determinants, Equity, and Action

Journeys Toward Justice is a multi-college collaboration spotlighting changemakers across the country who are driving justice and equity forward. The goal is to connect students, partners, and communities with one another and help us all understand the local and historical contexts of universal social justice issues and the work communities are doing. Climate Change in

On the Right Track: Safely Connecting Communities to the Hudson River (virtual)

Scenic Hudson presents a conversation on Amtrak's proposal to build fences by the waterfronts along the Hudson. Recreation, inspiration, food… Places to gather and celebrate… Thriving local economies… All are benefits of connecting with the Hudson River — and all are threatened by Amtrak’s current proposal to erect gates and fences blocking access to riverfront

Reaching Local Communities With Equity, Access, and Inclusion in Environmental Education (virtual)

Learn how bringing more equity and inclusion into the environmental field is the best way to reach our communities with Eli Caref. Register here! Eli Caref was born and raised in the concrete playgrounds of Brooklyn, New York, and throughout her childhood believed that nature was always “somewhere else.” Through her years in Environmental Education
