Book Talk: Rescuing the Planet with Tony Hiss (virtual)

In Rescuing the Planet, Hiss sets out on a journey to take stock of the “superorganism” that is the earth: its land, its elements, its plants and animals, its greatest threats – and what we can do to keep it, and ourselves, alive. Hiss invites us to understand the scope and gravity of the problems


Bystander Intervention Training in the Workplace (virtual)

Presented by Brooklyn-based Right to Be, a non-profit organization which teaches people to stop harassment, this training aims to reduce instances of workplace disrespect and harassment by giving employees the tools needed to disrupt those perpetrating it. Attendees will be presented with tools to be effective bystanders in the midst of workplace disrespect or harassment


Bystander Intervention Training in Public Spaces (virtual)

Right to Be will equip attendees with the right information to be an effective bystander in the midst of public space harassment using its proven methodology, including five strategies for intervention. Participants will then take part in practice scenarios to they can leave the training feeling more prepared to successfully and safely intervene. Residents can


Bystander Intervention to Stop Antisemitic Harassment (virtual)

A collaboration between Right to Be and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, this training will discuss the forms of antisemitism currently facing the Jewish community— from microaggressions to violence — using a tool a “spectrum of disrespect” tool. Participants will learn what to look for and the positive impact bystander intervention has on
