Toward an Evidence-Based Nuclear Energy Policy: What Congress Needs to Know About Nuclear Decommissioning, Radioactive Waste, and Nuclear Energy as a Climate Strategy

As U.S. nuclear plants age out or become unprofitable, the growing number of shuttered reactors has spawned a new decommissioning business model which promises to remediate sites quickly, but also raises new questions about safety, financial assurance, cleanup standards, and waste disposition. Decommissioning companies want to ship highly radioactive spent fuel through 75% of Congressional districts to their proposed consolidated interim storage facilities (CISFs) in New Mexico and Texas, which overburdened residents there oppose. Congress will likely be asked to change basic provisions of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act this year to enable CISFs. Meanwhile, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is proposing to lengthen the duration of license extensions for operating nuclear plants, potentially allowing them to keep running and generating radioactive waste for more than 80 years.

To help inform major decisions on nuclear energy policy facing Congress, the briefing will point out gaps in current research and data, federal policy, and regulatory oversight, and what can be done to fill them. It will examine how some other countries safeguard their radioactive waste, and offer practical recommendations to help make pending U.S. policy and regulatory decisions about nuclear energy more evidence-based, and better aligned with science and environmental justice.

Danskammer: Public Hearing

The State’s Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment wants to hear from you. It’s holding online public hearings on the Danskammer proposal. The owner of the Danskammer power plant on the Hudson River in the Town of Newburgh proposes replacing the current facility — which operates less than five percent of the time

Dutchess County Live Town Hall

Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro will hold his next virtual Town Hall Forum regarding the COVID-19 pandemic live on the County's Facebook Page. The County Executive will provide updates on the County's response to the pandemic, as well as the latest information about local vaccine distribution. If you have a question for County Executive Molinaro,

Danskammer: Public Hearing

The State’s Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment wants to hear from you. It’s holding online public hearings on the Danskammer proposal. The owner of the Danskammer power plant on the Hudson River in the Town of Newburgh proposes replacing the current facility — which operates less than five percent of the time —

Town of Poughkeepsie: Natural Resource Inventory and Open Space Plan

The Town of Poughkeepsie has initiated the development of a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) and Open Space Plan. The purpose of the public workshop will be to present the NRI component of the project. The workshop will include a presentation featuring an overview of the purpose, scope, and schedule of the project as well as

Town of Poughkeepsie Climate Smart Communities Task Force

Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.  The original focus of the program was on encouraging local governments to commit to act on climate change by passing a resolution containing the CSC Pledge. The certification

Queers for Justice Volunteer Orientation

The Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center invites you to attend the Queers for Justice Orientation, offered every first Friday of the month from 6-8pm EST. Help us destroy the carceral system by coming to our volunteer orientation so that you can get involved with the Queers for Justice Team. Email to sign up or for further

Application Deadline: President’s Administrative Fellowship

The President’s Administrative Fellows Program is a year-long program that exposes recent Vassar graduates to roles in higher education administration. At the end of the Fellowship, Administrative Fellows will have both a broad understanding of how institutions of higher education function and a deep understanding of the area in which they are placed. The Administrative