Group 2 Data

For our data, we tested the wattages and times it would take a green laser to burn paper and to pop various colors of balloon. For our paper tests, we recorded the laser’s power and how long it took to burn the paper. For the balloon tests, we recorded power, the balloon’s color, and how long it took to pop the balloon.

Paper Test

Power (Watts) Time (Seconds) Burned (Y/N)
5 11.2 Y
5 5.1 Y
5 4.2 Y
4.5 9.4 Y
4.5 5.3 Y
4.5 4 Y
4 4.8 Y
4 9.7 Y
4 5.6 Y
3.5 5.8 Y
3.5 6 Y
3.5 5.7 Y
3 25.2 N
3 10.8 Y
3 29.1 N
2.75 8.3 Y
2.75 11.8 Y
2.75 30 N
2.62 20.1 N
2.5 30 N
2.5 30 N
2.5 30 N

Balloon Test

Power (Watts) Balloon Color Time (seconds) Popped (Y/N)
2.81 pink Instant Y
2 pink Instant Y
1 pink Made a hole but did not pop
1.5 green 35 N
2 green 32 N
2.5 green Instant Y
2.25 green 30.3 N
2.35 green 30.5 N
2.4 green 30.3 N
2.45 green 30.3 N
3 green 11.6 Y
3 yellow 2.7 Y
2 yellow 30.3 N
2.5 yellow 30.5 N
2.75 yellow 30.3 N
2.8 yellow 30.4 N
2.85 yellow 30.4 N
2.85 yellow 30.3 N
2.95 yellow 30.3 N