Group 4 project plan

For our project we plan to ultimately produce a map of campus, showing the strength of the wireless signal at different points around the school.  We will walk around campus with the RF meter, mapping wireless internet signals as we go.  This can be done by two people at a time, one to read the meter and one to record it on the map.  Then we will compile the data and make a colored map showing hot spots around campus.   We can use this to experimentally find the location of the wireless routers.  We will also look into additional functions of the RF meter to see what else it can tell us about internet access around campus. We will meet on Sundays until we finish gathering our data, and if we find we need to meet more often we will communicate via e-mail to schedule those. We will do research into the science and technology, namely the RF meter and what wireless internet is and how it works. We expect the signal to be relatively consistent across the main bulk of campus (around all the dorms and academic buildings).  The signal might get worse in open places, like the library lawn or the middle of the quad, and the signal should be significantly worse in places like Sunset Lake, that are removed from the main part of campus.