Data Collectors – Everyone
Data Analyzer/Condenser – Everyone
Researcher, Technical Aspect of Commercial – Rebecca
Actor, Script Writer for Commercial – Yefri
Actor, Prop Designer for Commercial – Alex
What is the science/technology involved:
The RF meter will measure the radio frequency being emitted by cell phones in W/m^2.
FCC: 1.6W/kg of human tissue, upper limit of radiation allowed.
Activity Plan:
November 18: collect data on campus with the RF meter, sample size: at least 100 phones (~33 each):
(11-1pm) Yefri
(1-3pm) Rebecca
(3-5pm) Alex
November 19: (2pm) Rebecca will research current debate about cell phone radiation
November 20: analyze the data (by phone make and model) and put it into a presentable format:
(1pm) Initial sorting and graphing – Alex and Yefri
(2pm) Formalizing for blog and posting – Rebecca
November 21: (5pm) Meet and discuss how the data we collected compares to the theoretical research
Thanksgiving Break: everyone will work on their part of the commercial, Yefri will email out the script for everyone else to review and so Alex can begin designing any needed posters or props
November 27: (6pm )Film commercial
We expect that there will be a correlation between the phone’s model and radiation because smart phones require a larger amount of data storage and streaming compared to non-smart phones, therefore emitting more radiation. We also expect different smart phones to emit different levels of radiation because of different antennae or service providers. Also, we expect every cell phone to emit under the FCC limit of 1.6 Watts/kg of human tissue because they have all been approved for the market.