Morgan’s Bio

My name is Morgan, and I am a junior at Vassar.  I am majoring in math, but I also love studying other subjects, especially biology and other sciences. I am originally from New Jersey where I live with my mom, my dad, my brother, Kendal, and our dog, Walnut.  When I’m not studying, I enjoy playing the piano and the oboe.  I also love to read!  I’m learning to cook all my meals for myself and so far I learned how to make scrambled eggs, pasta, and baked potatoes!


Baynard’s Bio

I am an administrator at Vassar College. I work with Academic Computing Services. I grew up in upstate New York. Before working at Vassar, I taught elementary, middle school in high school in the US, Japan, and Indonesia.

Baynard Bailey's Head

I enjoy working with faculty and students on projects involving technology.

Here’s our departmental blog.

Here’s a link to my cross-cultural understanding video.

Today it was raining and it sounded like this:





Paige’s Bio

Hi! My name is Paige. I grew up in Bellevue, Washington, but I feel most at home in New York.  Two of my favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and Sophie Kinsella. TV shows provide me an escape, my favorite is Friends. I also love Grey’s Anatomy, Alias, One Tree Hill and Covert Affairs. My favorite song of the moment is Call Me Maybe, I am somehow still not sick of it.

I am a math tutor in the Quanative Center at Vasar. Here is a site that talks about it.

This is my favorite Call Me Maybe Spoof Video. 

1-WordPress Bios

This is our first in a series of workshops. WordPress is a digital publishing platform. It will be the framework we use to share and publish the multimedia we develop. This workshop establishes core skills for WordPress. wordpress logo

Objective: Participants will create autobiography posts in WordPress that can include text, links, images and videos. Participants will leave comments on the work of their peers.

Stage I

  1. In WordPress, create a post. Include your name in the title.
  2. Type a few sentences about yourself.
  3. Create a category (or categorize the post) with your name or nickname.
  4. Check the category title “WordPress Bios”.
  5. Publish your post.

Stage II

  1. Upload an image of yourself into your the post you created for stage I.
  2. Revise and/or extend the text you wrote for Stage I.

Stage III

  1. Include a few links of things that are important to you.
  2. Include links or embed audio or video of media that you created or that is important to you.
  3. View other participants’ posts and leave thoughtful and constructive comments

Next time: Watch Audacity Tutorials


First Try!

Here’s me trying to tell you about myself.

As you might have gathered, I’ve never done anything like this before. I can’t say making digital presentations or working with iMovie are things I enjoy. But here is a little bit more about me:

I just moved into a house with four other friends this semester and I absolutely love it! I get to cook all my own meals and my housemates are lovely. Thursday afternoons we watch movies together. My favorite movie is Amelie and it has been since I was 11. My second favorite is I Heart Huckabees. I also love comedic television: The Office, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, That ’70s Show and How I Met Your Mother. Despite a few years of shunning the radio, I’ve finally given in, and I love Carly Rae Jepson, Cher Lloyd, Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. I also like A Tribe Called Quest and Jurassic 5, but I don’t hear them too much on the radio. I’ve always loved to read, but rarely find time for my own reading between problems sets for my Chemistry Major and captaining the Vassar Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team. If I’m bored on a Saturday afternoon (which I rarely am because of school and frisbee!), I like to play Apples to Apples or paint my nails.