Holiday Market

8 North Cherry Street 8 North Cherry Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Holiday Market

8 North Cherry Street 8 North Cherry Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Holiday Market

8 North Cherry Street 8 North Cherry Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Understanding and Building Your Credit

Liz Anaya, Community Manager with Chase Bank will provide participants with financial wellness tips centered on understanding and building one’s credit. The workshop will be divided across four key points: understanding your credit score, checking your credit score, getting started with credit and protecting your credit. All are welcome to attend. RSVP using the link included to confirm your attendance.

Computer Lab

Adriance Library 93 Market St, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Receive individualized help with basic computer skills, email accounts, job search, job applications, formatting resumes, filing for unemployment, creating and editing Microsoft Office documents, and any other computer-based needs.

Sharing Power: Office Hours Online with GWI


Announcing a new opportunity to get support for your journey toward sharing power, leadership, and decision-making! Good Work Institute is inviting organizations engaged in practicing democracy at work to connect,