
Vassar College offers a Bachelor of Arts and a correlate sequence in Film. Our courses cover film history (US and international), film theory, digital film production, and screenwriting.

Film at Vassar emphasizes the exploration of film within a broad liberal arts education. Roughly two-thirds of students’ classes are taken outside their major area of concentration, drawing freely from Vassar’s rich curriculum. Our students achieve an understanding of film in the context of their interests in the other arts, social sciences, and sciences. All of our classes are small, and the instructors come to know the students well.

Because our program maintains a liberal arts focus, students majoring in film at Vassar move in many directions after graduation. Even though our program is not specifically pre-professional in nature, the high level of skill students have obtained here stands them in good stead in obtaining employment or in pursuing post-graduate degrees in filmmaking or film studies.
