
This list brings together information from a variety of sources for ease of reference by Vassar’s retired faculty. While we have consulted with the Dean of Faculty and made every effort to provide accurate information, please check with individual offices directly for confirmation and details.

1. Academic:

  • with departmental and Dean of Faculty agreement, teaching selected courses on an adjunct basis
  • eligibility to apply for comprehensive research support from the Faculty Committee on Research
  • library privileges, including personal carrels, VPrint expenses, after-hours access, withdrawal of books and videos
  • with departmental agreement, continued participation in departmental colloquia and faculty seminars

2. Social, Cultural, & Practical:

  • free and full access using Vassar ID cards to all campus athletic facilities (gyms, swimming pool, tennis and racquet courts, golf course) and all campus musical, dramatic, artistic and cultural events
  • participation in events planned and sponsored by AEVC and other College organizations
  • retention of parking sticker and parking privileges on campus

3. Economic:

  • continued use of Fidelity Investments and TIAA/CREF retirement plan counseling
  • significant College contributions towards Medicare supplemental health insurance for those who were hired before 2008 (see the Faculty Handbook under “Retirement” for a description of this benefit)
  • continued residence in faculty-owned homes on Vassar land in accordance with the Faculty Handbook guidelines
  • eligibility for special employee discounts at Vassar Bookstore, with Vassar ID
  • eligibility for educational pricing and discounts at Vassar Computer Store, with Vassar ID
  • representation on Vassar’s Benefits Committee through an emeritus faculty member serving as a full voting member on that committee

4. Communication:

  • retention of Vassar College email address for use during retirement
  • timely receipt of important and relevant communications from Vassar’s administrative offices, including the President’s Office, Dean of Faculty Office, Benefits Office, etc. through your Vassar email address
  • regular receipt by email of fitness, alums, and campus events information
  • upon request, retention of Vassar PO box
  • annual listing in both the Vassar Catalogue and the Vassar Directory
  • posting short intellectual biography on departmental website

5. Other Opportunities:

  • to continue serving the College through scientific and scholarly inquiry, artistic creation, discussions with and lectures to alumnae/i groups, representing Vassar at academic and professional events, preserving and recording Vassar’s history, membership on ad hoc committees where eligible and interested, and engagement with the Mid-Hudson community as a representative of Vassar College
  • to remain vitally connected intellectually and socially with former and current Vassar students, faculty, administrators, and staff