Ancient Stone Point Found in Hudson River

By Luna Kang

On July 25, 2022, a new Crowfield fluted point was unearthed and donated to the New York State Museum. This finding was recovered from the Hudson River, Magdelen Island, in Dutchess County, New York (New York State Museum, 2022). Artifacts similar to this point are essential to the archaeological world because they allow archaeologists to date the area it was found in and possibly answer hypotheses about the people living there at the time.

Late Stone Age Crowfield fluted point (From the New York State Museum)

These Crowfield points range in size from 40-65 mm in length and 22-35 mm in width. Points like these are typically made from flaking stone to create smaller, easy-to-work-with shards. For this point, the material that was used was Chert, a type of quartz (Hobart King, 2023). They are then sharpened and shaped utilizing both stone and antler tools. Crowfield points are biface, which means they are worked over on both sides of the point. They are also fluted down the middle to make room for attaching a handle for a spear or small knife tool. Different areas and times have various stone tools. An example of one type is the Acheulean hand axes (Meir Finkel and Ran Barkai, 2018). These axes were some of the most utilized and advanced tools of the late Pleistocene era. Although these tools were used for more everyday use, the Crowfield points are connected to them because both show a level of advancement in stone tools throughout history.

An Acheulean handaxe (From the Cambridge University Press)

There is more to these little points than just what they’re made of and how they’re made. They can indicate when ancient people officially settled an area. Before the uncovering of this specific point, the arrival of people to the Hudson River region was estimated to be around 6,000 years ago. With this new evidence, it is now estimated to have been inhabited by indigenous peoples anywhere from the Late Ice Age period (The New York State Museum, 2022). The way these tools are dated comes from two different methods: through relative dating compared to other similar artifacts; or through radiocarbon dating. Relative dating allows archaeologists to estimate the time when an artifact existed. Since this point is made precisely like other Crowfield points, it is easy to see why archaeologists would put this one in the same group. Radiocarbon dating, however, allows scientists to know the exact date when an artifact existed. The only issue with radiocarbon dating is that it is effective until 1950. In 1950, the nuclear bomb tests drastically changed the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, preventing archaeologists from using this dating method past that date. By dating these points, archaeologists can uncover more secrets about ancient indigenous Americans.

Further Research:
Lithic Points
Archaeology in the Hudson Valley Region

Reference List:

Finkel, Meir and Ran Barkai, The Acheulean Handaxe Technological Persistence: A Case of Preferred Cultural Conservatism?, March 26, 2018:

King, Hobart, Chert: What is it? Where is it from? What is it used for?, 2023:

New York State Museum, Science Tuesday: Late Ice Age Stone Point, July 25, 2022:

Ontario Archaeology Society: London Chapter, Crowfield Points, 2023:

The Pilentum from Pompeii

By Luna Kang

A stunning chariot was unearthed recently in Pompeii, Italy. Even though many archaeologists unearth all sorts of artifacts in Pompeii, this find was unique because of its exceptional condition and because archaeologists identified it as a pilentum. A pilentum was a ceremonial cart used to transport elite members of the community to ceremonies or parades. By restoring this chariot to its former beauty, archaeologists can understand more about the culture in Pompeii before the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

Roman chariots that are found are built from vastly different materials than today’s more modern transportation. Roman chariots were often made of wood for the body and seats and iron for the wheels. This specific chariot was also made with bronze ornaments covering the body’s outside. Each material used to build this chariot helps archaeologists put a date stamp on the artifact. For instance, the iron and bronze metals used are typical of Roman works, such as their armor, weapons, chariots, and boats. By observing what the artifact is made from, archaeologists can place it along a timetable of Earth’s history.

Archaeologists uncovering the chariot.

Archaeologists found the chariot on January 7th, 2023. A small iron artifact caused the archaeologists to believe something bigger was buried beneath them. After excavating for weeks, the team unearthed a big chariot. This splendid chariot, now identified as a pilentum, wasn’t used for gardening, carrying trash, or running errands. This four-wheel processional chariot was reserved for parades and processions or for bringing the lucky bride to her new home. The chariot, which was recently on display at Pompeii for the first time in 2023, was located almost entirely intact in a portico connected to the horse stables at an ancient villa near the walls of the city. A layer of cinerite had protected the high iron wheels, the arms and backrest, and the elegant decorations along both sides of the chassis.

The restored chariot, now on display to the public at the Museo Nazionale Romano.

According to Massimo Osanna, Director General of Italian Museums, “When the chariot was discovered during the excavation, it was of exceptional importance due to the information it offered about this form of transport – a ceremonial vehicle – which has no parallel in Italy. . . . This is the first time that a pilentum has ever been reconstructed and carefully studied.” Because of this discovery, made possible by the destructive force of Mt. Vesuvius’s ash, we can understand more about the hierarchy of Roman civilization.

Further Research:
The History of Pompeii
The Full Reconstruction

Reference List: