Moving Art, Moving Audiences: Nineteenth-Century Traveling Exhibitions and the Matter of Abolition

Register for this virtual webinar hosted by the Olana Partnership. In the mid-nineteenth century, Americans faced a new way to encounter art: the traveling exhibition. Sculptures, panoramas, and paintings crisscrossed the country, appearing at venues that included exhibition and entertainment halls, galleries, reform societies, and fairs. During this virtual webinar, Caitlin Meehye Beach will explore


Film Screening “Do The Right Thing” (in person)

Bardavon 35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

FILM: DO THE RIGHT THING (1989) A special Black History Month screening of the 1989 Spike Lee classic Screening simultaneously at both Bardavon & UPAC. Tickets are $6 and can be purchased online or at the box office. Director Spike Lee uses biting humor in his seminal exploration of race and violence in a Brooklyn


4th Annual Sojourner Truth Life Walk (in person)

Dietz Stadium 170 N Front Street, Kingston, NY, United States

Walk starts from Port Ewen to UC Courthouse (Free) Re-live the life highlights of legendary abolitionist Sojourner Truth as we acknowledge parts of her life including her escape route to freedom. This walk will include brief stops along the way. Free bus will be available at Dietz Stadium for pick-up & drop off. The bus


A Discussion about Black Entrepreneurship: Pre and Post Civil Rights (in person)

Arts Mid-Hudson 696 Dutchess Turnpike, Suite F, Poughkeepsie, New York

The Folk Arts Program at Arts Mid-Hudson, in partnership with the Race Unity Circle, will facilitate a discussion about Black entrepreneurship pre and post the Civil Rights act of 1964. Register to attend here!    


For The Many’s Vassar Student Meeting (in person)

We’re building a grassroots movement of everyday people to fight for laws and win elections to transform New York so it works for all of us. Join us for our first Vassar student meeting on campus for students interested in social justice work. We’ll be doing an organizing 1-1 political education session and pizza will
