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Sensory exploitation of female foraging behavior: Male nuptial gifts in the family Pisauridae

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Nuptial gift giving has been investigated in a number of invertebrate species, most namely spiders. In this behavior, males present females with prey items in which females will often accept and feed on. While females feed on the prey, males … Continue reading

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Baltimore Oriole Singing Behavior

Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula): Singing Behavior By: Rhea Randhawa and Elizabeth Ralston   Types of Songs and Calls:   The Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) has a distinctive song that stands out among other birds due to its vigorous and harsh … Continue reading

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Northern Mockingbird- Vocalizations

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Northern Mockingbird: Mimus Polyglottos Northern Mockingbirds are not typical songbirds, as half of their repertoire is comprised of songs that are mimetic, meaning they are songs learned from other species, rather than just learned from adults of their species (Gammon … Continue reading

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Northern Mockingbird- General Biology

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Northern Mockingbird: Mimus Polyglottos Appearance The mean total length of male mockingbirds is about 24 cm, that of females is 23 cm (Derrickson and Breitwisch 2011). Sexes are very similar in appearance, with long legs and long tails, and gray … Continue reading

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Eastern Whip-poor-will Vocalizations

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Song Background Info Although not much is known about the Eastern Whip-poor-will’s (Caprimulgus vociferus) song, some studies have been done on its eerie refrain. The whip-poor-will has a variety of vocalizations that it makes including its eponymous whip-poor-will song, a call … Continue reading

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A sheep in wolf’s clothing: how one moth species can survive by mimicking its predators

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One uncommon form of mimicry in the animal world is predator mimicry- when prey mimic their predator to avoid being eaten. This is the case with the jumping spider and certain species of moth. However, this is not simply mimicry … Continue reading

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Do bottlenose dolphins have a sense of taste?

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Taste perception is one of our basic five senses. It can tell us what is edible or what is not, what is nourishing for our bodies and what can be potentially harmful. For example, being unable to recognize food with … Continue reading

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Vocalizations of the Blue-winged Warbler

Maliyah Faulstich and Danielle Quick Holmes What song sounds/looks like The Blue-winged Warbler has both two different calls and two different songs. One call sounds like “tzipp,” while the other sounds like “zzrrttt.” The “tzipp,” call is used as an … Continue reading

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Basic Biology of the Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera By Danielle Quick Holmes and Maliyah Faulstich Appearance Male Blue-winged Warblers: According to Birds of North America, adult male Blue-winged Warblers also known as Vermivora cyanoptera have a bright yellow crown, black eye-lines, blueish-gray tails and … Continue reading

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The life and song of a Mourning Warbler

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The Life and Song of a  Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis Philadelphia) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order:Passeriformes Family: Parulidae Genus: Geothlypis Species: Geothlypis philadelphia                   “Mourning Warbler.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Nov. 2017, … Continue reading

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