Gall Lab Publishes in PLoS One

Gall Lab alumni Tim Boycottand Jingyi Gao, together with Dr. Gall, have published their URSI work on deer browsing and acoustic communication in PLOS One.  You can find the paper here. Congratulations Tim and Jingyi!  

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Gall Lab Publishes in Hormones and Behavior!

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Check out our new paper in Hormones and Behavior!  We’ve even made the cover!

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Julia and Megan are inducted into Sigma Xi

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Congratulations to Megan de Koning (left) and Julia Beatini (right) on their induction as associate members into Sigma Xi.  Megan and Julia have both done great work on the Northern Saw-whet Owl project!  Megan and Julia did great work presenting … Continue reading

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The Common Raven: Post#1

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Introduction: The Common Raven is one of the most widespread naturally occurring birds in the world. This raven is widely known for being a scavenger on animal carcasses and human garbage. Native Americans of the Northwest think of ravens as being the … Continue reading

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The Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)-Song

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The Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)-Song BOBOLINKS AND SONG Bobolinks have two variants of primary song, an alpha variant and a shorter beta variant. Their primary song has been described by Bent (1958) as a song that even the mockingbird cannot reproduce. … Continue reading

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Veery (Catharus fuscescens) Singing Behavior

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Types of Songs and Calls/Sonograms     Brennan and Jones (2016) conducted an observational study, where they recorded 3,088 songs from 109 different male Veeries in four regions across the Appalachian Mountains. They differentiated songs based on structural elements such … Continue reading

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Veery (Catharus fuscescens) General Biology

APPEARANCE The Veery Thrush has a plump body, round head, a straight, narrow bill, and fairly long wings and legs. From their crown to the end of their tail, Veeries have a bright cinnamon- brown color. Their face and chest … Continue reading

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The Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)-General Biology

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The Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)-General Biology APPEARANCE Male bobolinks have large, flat heads, short necks, and short tails. Males are black on the anterior portion of head, wings, and tail. The back, scapulars, lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts are white/pale … Continue reading

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All About the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla): Song

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All About the American Redstart:  Setophaga ruticilla General American Redstarts start singing formless songs after 2-3 weeks of being born and acquire adult songs after about 5 months (Sherry et at., 2016). During the breeding season, male American Redstarts usually … Continue reading

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All About the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla): General Biology

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All About the American Redstart:     Setophaga ruticilla General Information The American Redstart is a wood-warbler with the scientific name Setophaga ruticilla. Their order is passeriformes and their family is paulidae. As members of passeriformes, American Redstarts share characteristics with … Continue reading

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