American crow “Size, Habitat, Color Pattern and Behavior”

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There have been a lot of researches done about birds and their behavior. Lately, scientists have focus their study on American Crows. There is something special about the American Crows. They are very smart learners. American Crows are able to … Continue reading

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Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus): Singing Behavior

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Types of Songs and Calls: For such a large bird, the Bald Eagle’s voice is surprisingly weak. Its call is compared to a snickering laugh and consists of seven or eight notes sounded quickly and haltingly in a way that … Continue reading

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Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus): General Biology

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Bird Appearance: The Bald Eagle has a white head and tail, and a dark brown body and wings. The iris, beak, legs, and feet of this adult bird are also yellow.  They are one of the larger birds found in … Continue reading

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The Biology of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

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The Barn Owl (scientific name Tyto alba) is not only one of the most widely distributed of owls, but of all land birds. It is a highly adaptable bird, as seen in the versatility of both its food and habitat selections. … Continue reading

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A Day in the Life of the Red- Throated Loon, Gavia stellate

A Day in the Life of Gavia stellate A Day in the Life of Gavia stellate, a Red-Throated Loon Today we are reporting on a very interesting species of bird known as the “Red-throated loon”, whose scientific name is Gavia … Continue reading

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Snowy Owl’s General Information

Bubo scandiacus Appearance: Large bulky body 20.5-28 inches in length Wingspan:49.6-57.1  in Dense feathering on legs Thick feathers Smoothly rounded head; no ear tufts Yellow eyes Fur covered talons Females are generally larger than the males, and have more black markings … Continue reading

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Spotted Sandpiper, blog post I

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Fig. 1: Developmental stages of the Spotted Sandpiper Fig. 2: Range map of Spotted Sandpiper Fig. 3: Nest and eggs of Spotted Sandpiper Fig. 4: Respiratory system of the Spotted Sandpiper Fig. 5: “The teeter” of a Spotted Sandpiper Fig. … Continue reading

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Singing Behavior of the American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)

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We’ve all heard the sound of a single crow’s caw loud in the morning air, but did you ever question how the American Crow, or Corvus brachyrhynchos, produces the vocalizations it does? How does the American Crow get its caw, … Continue reading

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Gall Lab publishes in Functional Ecology

Our new paper on the on how song frequency, song structure and habitat affect auditory frequency sensitivity in nine species of new world sparrows is out in Functional Ecology. We had predicted that song frequency and habitat would be the … Continue reading

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Summer Summary (We’re back at Vassar!)

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The school year is approaching and I’m back at Vassar (my office will be temporarily moved for the fall 2014 semester, so you can find me in Blodgett 234). This summer I was down in Atlanta, working out of my … Continue reading

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