Vocalizations of the Blue-winged Warbler

Maliyah Faulstich and Danielle Quick Holmes What song sounds/looks like The Blue-winged Warbler has both two different calls and two different songs. One call sounds like “tzipp,” while the other sounds like “zzrrttt.” The “tzipp,” call is used as an … Continue reading

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Basic Biology of the Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera By Danielle Quick Holmes and Maliyah Faulstich Appearance Male Blue-winged Warblers: According to Birds of North America, adult male Blue-winged Warblers also known as Vermivora cyanoptera have a bright yellow crown, black eye-lines, blueish-gray tails and … Continue reading

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The life and song of a Mourning Warbler

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The Life and Song of a  Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis Philadelphia) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order:Passeriformes Family: Parulidae Genus: Geothlypis Species: Geothlypis philadelphia                   “Mourning Warbler.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Nov. 2017, … Continue reading

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Birds With Friends: The Golden-Crowned Kinglet

Appearance  The golden crowned kinglet (Regulus satrapa) is slightly bigger than a hummingbird, with rounded body and short wings. Its head is relatively large, with a thin tail and a short and thin beak. It has a distinctive black eyebrow … Continue reading

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Swamp Sparrow General Report

  Habitat and Appearance The swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) are mostly seen in the Eastern U.S and Canada. During breeding season they are close to water and in winter they like similar areas and with more brush and grass. During … Continue reading

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Swamp Sparrow Singing Behavior

Brenna McMannon and Jocelyn Dryfoos Brian Stone, 2015                                                                 … Continue reading

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The Song of the Golden Crowned Kinglet

While there is little research explaining why they sing or how they learn, the Golden-Crowned Kinglet sings a high pitched song. Click here to eavesdrop on one of them singing! Its song consists of up to 14 ‘tsee’ notes (All … Continue reading

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Hear me, see me: Female cowbirds filter sensory information well across modalities

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It is relatively common in the animal kingdom that species will communicate with one another through more than one sensory modality; that is, they can combine auditory, visual, olfactory (smell), and other signal forms in their interactions with other individuals, … Continue reading

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Cedar Waxwing

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Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) General Biology:                                          APPEARANCE The Cedar Waxing boasts a shiny silk-like collection of wing feathers ranging from … Continue reading

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Turn down the noise! Owl hunting behavior is inhibited by anthropogenic noise

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An occasional stroll through an urban forest or a developed landscape may leave one finding a cote of doves, thick vegetation, a family of hikers, and…heavy machinery? As a result of the advent of wide-spread geo-commercialism, many young entrepreneurs are … Continue reading

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