Our organization relies entirely on volunteers
TO VOLUNTEER, EMAIL US AT lli@vassar.edu.
Curriculum Committee:
The Curriculum Committee is the heartbeat of the VC LLI – without courses, there would be no LLI. This committee solicits and encourages presenters (both members and non-members) to develop courses reflecting a wide variety of interests, expertise and/or research. Course proposals are submitted through an online application form to the Chair. The committee then reviews the course proposals and the Chair notifies applicants through email whether their proposal has been accepted. Principal duties of committee members are to: solicits presenters (both members and non-members) to develop courses ; propose and encourage the development of courses reflecting a wide variety of interests, expertise and/or research; and review course applications. In addition, certain committee members may be tasked with helping to edit course descriptions and the course catalog for publication.
Time Commitment: Varies throughout the course of the year, but is moderate: 3-4 hours/week in the month or two before course catalog publication.
Class Managers Committee:
Description: This committee is responsible for recruiting, orientating, and supporting the class managers. Once course registration is closed, this committee ensures that a class manager has been designated for each course and single event. Confirmation of the assignment with each class manager supports a smooth start to the semester. Prior to the semester start, an orientation is provided to discuss the responsibilities of the class manager and answer questions that may arise. Committee chair/members serve as a point of contact to the class managers for questions and issues that may arise during the semester.
Time Commitment: Moderate (3-4 hours/week) from close of registration to semester start; Minimal (< 1 hour/week) during the semester.
Hospitality Room Committee:
This committee supports on campus social interaction and camaraderie among members during the class day(s) from 9:00am- 3:30 pm. Responsibilities for this effort can be shared among volunteer members with blocks of time assigned (i.e. 8a-12noon) as per volunteer availability/sign up. Primary responsibilities include the set up/take down of the Hospitality room and maintaining it on Fridays during class days, including setting up of coffee and snacks.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week when classes are in session.
Volunteer Recruitment:
The Committee assists the Chair and Vice Chair in identifying and recruiting volunteers among our members, and in promoting Vassar LLI as a member-managed organization. The Committee sends out emails blasts informing our membership of volunteer opportunities, helps members find the right opportunities and committees for them to serve on, and in general assists connecting our members with volunteer opportunities to facilitate our volunteerism and support our programming and administration. This is a great opportunity to meet our members and learn about all the different things volunteers do to support LLI.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week at the beginning of each semester. Needs to be able to attend to attend Orientation each Fall semester to assist in volunteer recruitment. Time is flexible during the semester to help recruit volunteers, send out email blasts, as needed.
DEI Committee:
The DEI Committee works to actively incorporate the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion into the VC LLI’s membership, courses, single events, social media, newsletter and all sponsored activities. This Committee collaborates with other regional LLI’s in meeting and operationalizing DEI values and concepts. Current and ongoing efforts are directed to: expanding VC LLI’s outreach to reflect a more diverse membership; support the development of DEI related courses/events for Fall/Spring semesters; and broaden our LLI membership to be more diverse, among other initiatives.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours each semester.
Transportation Support Committee:
This position is responsible for coordinating with Vassar College Security regarding transportation needs for Vassar LLI classes and events. This position requires someone who is detail oriented and organized. Being formerly affiliated with Vassar College is not required.
Tine Commitment: 2-3 hours during the month before each semester begins; 1-2 hours/week while classes are in session.
Public Information Committee:
This committee works to publicize Vassar LLI and its programs, and to encourage new membership, within the Poughkeepsie and larger community. Its focus is on outreach and marketing, through the use of articles in local papers, posters, newsletters and public announcements, and helps provide content for Vassar LLI’s Facebook page.
Time Commitment: 5-10 hours each semester.
Special Events Committee:
This position works with the Chair to plan and coordinate LLI Special Events, such as trips and tours, the Fall Welcome Back Party and the year-end Thank You Party. This position can bring out your creativity to make our events fun and encourage membership participation. Being formerly affiliated with Vassar College, as knowledge of campus meeting spaces and which Vassar staff to coordinate with, is helpful.
Time Commitment: 4-5 hours/week for 2-3 weeks each semester.
Art Show Committee:
The Art Show is a celebration of Vassar LLI’s creativity and community. Its goal is to give participants an opportunity to share the work they have created in their course work in a supportive and familiar setting at the end of the semester. Works presented at the Art Show will be assembled as a slide show on the VC LLI’s website. with the opportunity to display their work at the end of semester gathering. Committee members will help to solicit submissions, organize the entered works, advertise the show, and help create the slideshow to be posted on Vassar LLI’s website.
Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per semester, hours will trend towards the end of each semester.
The Committee will assist the Chair and Vice-Chair in re-designing, updating and refreshing our website. Thereafter, it will be responsible for maintaining and updating the Website, as needed. This is an exciting opportunity for folks with both communication and tech skills to help us figure out what information should be on our Website, how it should be presented, and generally how to communicate with and reach out to our community.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/week during our Fall Semester for several weeks as we think about the re-design. Thereafter, 2-3 hours/week for two or three weeks prior to each semester, and minimal time during each semester, as needed, to update, information.
Committee members take pictures of our activities and gatherings, and help us create a record of our times together. You don’t need to be a professional photographer—just a an interest in photography and enthusiasm about LLI.
Time Commitment: Flexible, although being willing to attend events such as Orientation or the Year End thank you party always a plus.
This Committee helps put together our newsletter. Members solicit articles from fellow members, write inspired about your experiences with Vassar LLI, and help develop articles that inform members about LLI activities or cover topics in response questions from LLI members. This is a great opportunity to use creative writing and editing tools to help inform and connect our membership.
Time Commitment: 10-12 hours/week for a week or two towards the end of the Fall and Spring semesters.
Member Information Coordinators:
These positions are responsible for monitoring the Vassar LLI mailbox and phone lines to address and respond to incoming inquiries from members and the public regarding Vassar LLI. Training is provided on how to respond, and Executive Committee members are always available to provide input and information on all questions to ensure they are answered properly and consistently. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn all about Vassar LLI’s operations and to work with the Executive Committee in support of our members.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/week during the membership registration period; 1-2 hours/week each semester while classes are in session; minimal during the rest of the year.
Growing Together Project:
Evergreen Minds: Proposal for Integrational & Dementia-Friendly Community Garden
Evergreen Minds Webpage