Technology Workshops Fall 2024

We are please to announce our schedule of workshops for the upcoming semester. If you have suggested programming or other feedback, please email

Events Overview

09/11   3:30pm Intro to Excel and Data Literacy
09/13   3:30pm Building and Maintaining Your Author Profiles: Faculty Workshop
09/18   2:00pm Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation Manager
09/27 12:00pm Supporting Video in the Curriculum Workshop 
10/02 11:00am Intro to Drone Mapping (HV SCGIS meeting at Vassar Barns)
10/02   3:15pm Drone Cinematography Workshop (with Film Department/VIL)
10/04   3:00pm Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Library
10/09   3:00pm Digital Humanities DMP Basics
10/22   1:30pm Intro to Census and American Community Survey Data and Mapping
10/25  11:00am Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation Manager
10/30   3:00pm Intro to Omeka 
11/01   3:00pm Intro to Scalar
11/06   3:30pm Campus Resources for Building Websites
11/07 10:30am Intro to ArcGIS Pro (in the GIS Lab with ESCI 235)
11/07   1:00pm World Digital Preservation Day event in Library Lobby
11/08   3:00pm Static vs. Dynamic Website Design: How to Choose the Best Option for 
                         Your Project
11/22   10:00am Intro to Audio Resources

excel logoIntro to Excel and Data Literacy

September 11, 2024, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Ely Hall Rm 114 (GIS Lab)

Datasets about all kinds of natural, social, and experimental phenomena are widely available, and new datasets are being generated every day. The first step of making sense of data is often organizing it into a spreadsheet. Once entered and organized, spreadsheets can be used to sort, filter, analyze, and visualize patterns and trends that might not be apparent from our own limited observations. Using contemporary datasets as examples, participants will learn how to create and navigate spreadsheets in Excel, sort and filter data, write formulas to perform calculations, summarize and format data into tables for a report, and generate graphs from data. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Building and Maintaining Your Author Profiles: Faculty Workshoporcid logo

September 13, 2024, 1:00 – 3:00pm, Main Library, Class of ’51 Reading Room

Learn to establish and optimize your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), and claim and edit your scholarly profiles in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. Claiming and maintaining your profiles ensures that your work is correctly represented and attributed to you, allows you to keep up to date with works in your field, and notifies you when authors cite your work or works that you’re citing in your research. 

Faculty from all disciplines and career stages are welcome to attend. Led by Gretchen Lieb, Humanities and Multidisciplinary Librarian. Cosponsored by the Director of Faculty Research. If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment:

Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation ManagerLetter Z in a hexagon - Zotero Logo

September 18, 2024,  2:00 – 2:45pm, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

Overwhelmed by unorganized PDFs? Want to save time formatting your bibliography? Zotero is a free citation manager for organizing references, storing pdfs, and formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. Zotero is most useful when it’s incorporated into the research process – finding sources, building your Zotero library, and citing references all go hand in hand. During this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Create a Zotero library
  • Organize and share references
  • Generate bibliographies in your preferred citation style
  • Format in-text citations and reference lists in Word and Google Docs

Led by Elizabeth Salmon, Social Science Librarian. Registration appreciated but not required:

streaming video iconSupport for using Video in the Curriculum

September 27, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 pm Main Library, Electronic Classroom 160

Library and ACS experts will review recommended steps and procedures for acquiring video content for use with your classes. We’ll cover in-class viewing, out of class viewing, & streaming options. We’ll also describe ways to add content to the collection or to acquire temporary streaming licenses.

Led by Deb Bucher, Head of Collections & Discovery and Baynard Bailey, Asst. Director of Academic Computing Services

College Counsel Shay Humphrey will be in attendance to answer questions relating to copyright law.

Drone Cinematography Workshop drone in the air

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 3:15 PM at Sunset Lake

Join us for an afternoon of flying and exploring the capabilities of the DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine. Find out how you can add production value to your projects with assistance from the Vassar Innovation Lab. This service is free to Vassar students.

preserve north croppedIntro to Drone Mapping

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 11:00 AM at The Environmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns

Drone mapping is the process of creating high-resolution, spatially-accurate images and data for applications from urban planning to agricultural crop monitoring to ecological research and monitoring. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of drone operation and safety, how to plan for and capture images of a survey area, and about processing the imagery in photogrammetry software to create an orthomosaic image (and digital surface/elevation models) of the survey area. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Intro to the Vassar College Libraries Digital Librarydigital library screenshot

October 4, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

The Digital Library includes photos, audiovisual materials, manuscripts, and much more!  Did you know it now also provides access to Finding Aids, Vassar Scholarship, and a Herbarium? Join us for a tour of the system followed by a Q&A. The tour will include tips on how to find what you need for your research and how to submit your work to the Vassar Scholarship repository. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

DMP logoDigital Humanities Data Management Plan Basics

October 9, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Are you considering building an Omeka, Scalar, or WordPress site to share your work with the world? Have you already created a proof of concept for a digital project and want to know what comes next? You need a Digital Management Plan to ensure sustainability of your site! A DMP describes the data that will be acquired or produced during your project; how the data will be managed, described, stored, accessed, and preserved during and after the completion of the project. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

Intro to the U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS) Data and Mappingus census logo

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM, BLS 101 (Laybourne Visualization “SciVis” Lab)

The U.S. Census Bureau provides periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation. This data is critical for government programs, policies, and decision-making. Presenter David Kraiker, Data Dissemination Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau, will provide an introduction to the Census Bureau, the data it collects and provides, and how to find and use the data. Attendees will learn the differences between the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Decennial Census, and how to use the tools in the Census Bureau’s data portal,, to explore and map ACS and Census data. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Stay Organized & Save Time with Zotero Citation ManagerLetter Z in a hexagon - Zotero Logo

October 25, 2024,  11:00 – 11:45am, Main Library Computer Classroom, Rm 160

Overwhelmed by unorganized PDFs? Want to save time formatting your bibliography? Zotero is a free citation manager for organizing references, storing pdfs, and formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. Zotero is most useful when it’s incorporated into the research process – finding sources, building your Zotero library, and citing references all go hand in hand. During this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Create a Zotero library
  • Organize and share references
  • Generate bibliographies in your preferred citation style
  • Format in-text citations and reference lists in Word and Google Docs

Led by Elizabeth Salmon, Social Science Librarian. Registration appreciated but not required:

omeka logoIntro to Omeka

October 30, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM  Online

Omeka is a free, open-source content management system for online digital collections that allows users to publish and exhibit scholarly collections and cultural heritage objects. The Vassar College Digital Scholarship Services Collaboration (DiSSCo) provides a web hosting resource called This service, a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) product, provides the flexibility for anyone in our academic community to build websites on a variety of platforms, including Omeka. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

Intro to Scalarscalar logo

November 1, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Scalar is an open source, web-based publishing software from the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture that allows you to create networked, multi-media online publications.This workshop will begin with the basics of installation along with creating accounts, projects, and content path. It will also cover the management and inclusion of media, such as images and video. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

crane building a web page free image from pixabayCampus Resources for Building Websites 

Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024 3:30 – 4:30 PM online

Need a website? We will review the options you have available to you as a member of the Vassar Community. We’ll also cover our new resource : – where we empower users to become sys admins and install their own apps (WordPress, Scalar, Omeka and more!). Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services and Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register: ,

Static vs. Dynamic Website Design: How to Choose the Best Option for Your Projectstatic dynamic opposed

November 8, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM Online

Learn what the best platform options are for a variety of website projects while also gaining a better understanding of how to make environmentally friendly and sustainable choices. This session will include an overview of website building options, website examples, and decision making tips for your project. Led by Nicole Scalessa of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services. 

Register Online: 

If you cannot attend the specified date we can discuss this topic by appointment: 

ArcGIS Pro Logo (map in a circle)Intro to ArcGIS Pro
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Ely 114 (GIS Lab)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software is used to manage, map, and analyze geographic data. In this workshop, you will learn how to use ArcGIS Pro, an industry-standard desktop GIS program, to overlay GIS “layers” in a map, analyze the relative composition of land cover types (developed, forested, wetlands, etc.) within a local watershed relative to stream sample locations, and assemble a map layout of the results. Registration: Questions: Neil Curri ( / x7708). 

Intro to Audio Recording and Campus Resources chicago audio studio in use

Friday, Nov 22, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Main Library Electronic Classroom

Planning to record voice or music and you have never done it before? Interested in podcasting? Perhaps you have an interview you need to edit and share? We’ll review free and cross-platform tools and review resources for audio production. We’ll conclude by visiting the audio nook and the studio in the basement of Chicago Hall. Led by Baynard Bailey of Academic Computing Services.
