I believe we can use story to help each other. This bread is great bread, easy to make, and very economical. My wife taught herself from online recipes and I have recently been trained by the master.
Prepare to be amazed! This recipe takes very little labor, is economical on ingredients and yields delicious amazing bread.
The Recipe
Measure and mix the dry ingredients, doesn’t have to be super mixed.
Ad warm water and stir (hot water if you are in a hurry).

Bread dough should be lumpy and a little sticky, not too wet. Cover and let rise three to four hours until whenever (can rise overnight).
Get some fresh airEnjoy quality time in nature
Take some picturesThink about stuff, do some errands
Take out of the bowl and spin it and knead it (doesn’t need much)
Cover and let rise 30 minutes.
Pre-Heat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the pan and lid in the oven (empty). Pan heats for 30 minutes while the bread rises. Put the bread in the hot pan and bake for 30 minutes with the top on.
Remove the top of the pan, bake for 15 more minutes
Remove from the oven
and let it cool. Reflect upon how much yeast you saved.
Gather your loved ones, slice and eat bread
Congratulations! You can make Risa’s Bread!
Pedagogy: This is an example of using digital tools to tell the story of how to make bread. We are isolated but we are not alone. We are all in this together. Let’s make the best of it!