ENDURANCE MAKES THE HEART RACE: Females attribute a higher attractiveness rating to faster competitors of the Tour de France

For females, choosing a mate is no superficial task. Heritable genetic factors provide significant help along the choice journey, presetting female attractiveness towards reproductively favorable traits in males. Common seemingly shallow questions such as, “Is he attractive?”, or “Does he have motivation to make money?” translate on the genetic level to Is he healthy with strong genetics that will produce strong and healthy offspring, and will he be able to successfully provide for the offspring. A recent study by Erik Postma highlights the important male trait of endurance ability, and females’ propensity to pick up on this. Prehistorically, endurance could have been a basic indicator for our ancestors of a male’s optimal ability to provide in terms of hunting and gathering food across the land. Considering this, it is no surprise that in observing female attractiveness ratings towards male Tour De France competitors, Postma’s females attribute a higher attractiveness rating to males with better endurance before knowing the competitor’s actual performance scores.


To methodically explore whether women associate attractiveness with endurance ability in males, Postma created an online survey composite of 80 portraits of male participants of the 2012 Tour De France.   816 females participated in the online survey, and they only viewed the upper body ending at the shoulders of the competitors.  To take the analyses a step further, a questionnaire was included on the presence or absence of hormonal contraceptive use in the female participant, due to evidence that birth control impedes upon natural female mate choice as the pill makes the body unreceptive to fertilization.  Male competitors competed in the Tour de France after the survey, and were recorded for their time to complete the race.




Results showed a significant pattern of higher attraction scores for males who subsequently performed better in the Tour De France race. Additionally, females using the pill showed significantly lower attraction scores toward high-performing males than females who were not using the pill.


This precious mate-quality detection tool is so precious for a reason: it is a fine-tuned production over millions of years.  Our female ancestors who possessed more attentiveness to traits that favored the reproductive success of their offspring were, quite simply, those whos’ offspring survived and made for our present existence. Evolution generally selects for efficiency in processes related to reproductive success, which explains the accurate endurance judgment that these women exhibit.  In a case like this, experimental results say not to ignore your intuition when it comes to mate choice.


Postma, E. (2014). A relationship between attractiveness and performance in professional cyclists. Biology Letters, 10(2),



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Bats Use Terminal Buzz Calls to Drink While Flying!

Bats often fly above bodies of water from dusk to early evening to drink and forage. Foraging bats use ultrasonic pulses, sounds that are inaudible to us, that are regularly synced with wing beats and respiratory cycles to orient and locate prey. Bats emit a terminal buzz while drinking which are similar to those emitted while foraging. A terminal buzz is the last pulses of an echolocation call sequence. Echolocation is the use of calls to listen to the echo that will provide them with information about how far the object is away from them. So a terminal buzz sequence is the last pulses of sound produced before reaching an object. This study sought to discover the level to which bats produce terminal buzzes while drinking in flight.


Big Brown Bat drinking water from a pond. Picture taken by Stan Cunningham

Over 6 hours of recording bats at Birdlife Australia’s Gluepot Reserve, Waikerie, South Australia, 809 drinking passes (drinking while flying low over water) by bats were recorded. Only those which touched the water and left a visible ripple on the surface were included in the study. All 809 drinking passes were accompanied by a terminal buzz call emitted before they touched the water to drink. Out of all the buzzes, 21% were in the range of 36-50 kHz range and the remaining 79% were in the 25-35 kHz range. Figure 1 shows a pattern unique to Gould’s wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii with search phase pulses from 28 kHz to 31 kHz. Figure 2 shows a pattern with an upward sweeping tail at 43 to 45 kHz. This pattern is likely to be produced by Vepadeslus baverstocki or Vepadeslus regulus. This difference in frequency proves that bat terminal buzz sequences are not all the same and in this case can be placed into two groups. The frequency of the terminal buzz can help determine the species present.

PowerPoint Presentation

Figure 1: Chalinolobus gouldii terminal drinking buzz

PowerPoint Presentation

Figure 2: Vepadeslus baverstocki or Vepadeslus regulus terminal drinking buzz


To hear the difference between these two terminal drinking buzzes click the links below.

Chanlinolobus gouldii (First in real time, then in half time)   mmc1

Vespadelus sp. (First in real time, then in half time)    mmc2

Drinking water while flying is a complex aerial maneuver.  It requires very high precision and accuracy to avoid colliding with the waters’ surface. Bats that forage for insects produce a terminal buss to provide precise information about the size, shape and location of their prey. Bats also use this terminal buzz sequence to avoid obstacles in flight and to locate landing sites. Drinking buzzes provide the bat with spatiotemporal information to locate the surface before touching it with their mouth to drink. Drinking buzzes may be used in a similar fashion as foraging buzzes. This research suggests that other studies may overestimate the number of foraging buzz calls over water bodies if they were unaware of drinking buzz calls. Drinking buzzes can be used to document rates of drinking by bats in the future. The more we know about bats, the more we can do if they ever need our help.


Cunningham, Stan. “Photographing Bats Drinking from Elephant Head Pond in Amado AZ.”           Web blog post. Cunningham Outdoors LLC. N.p., 06 Dec. 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2014.

Griffiths, S.R. 2013. Echolocating bats emit terminal phase buzz calls while drinking on the             wing. Behavioral Processes 98:58-60.

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Some Like it Hot, But Maybe Not Lizards: global warming and its effects on sexual signaling of rock lizards

Male Carpetan rock lizard

Male Carpetan rock lizard

With all of the crazy weather occurring around the world (unbelievable—literally—snowstorms in Atlanta?), climate change is receiving increasingly more attention from the public and scientists alike. There has been extensive research on evolutionary responses to climate change and how warming temperatures might affect species ranges.

But so far there has been very little research examining the effects of climate change on the sexual signals of animals. And while the mating behaviors of humans are probably safe from global warming, the threatened Carpetan rock lizard (Iberolacerta cyreni) living in the mountains of Central Spain may not be so lucky.

(The incredibly romantic mating strategy of rock lizards) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l2zlbFKi9o

A recent study conducted by researchers from the National Museum of National History in Spain tested the hypothesis that increasing environmental temperatures would lower the efficiency of the lizards’ sexual signals. These signals are incorporated into the male’s chemical secretions, which are used to mark their territories and attract females. Previous studies have shown that females spend more time in territories marked by secretions containing higher levels of provitamin D (a compound that can be converted into vitamin D), therefore increasing the mating opportunities of the male controlling that area.

The study found that higher temperatures caused these secretions to degrade more rapidly, lowering the ability of females to detect them. Females also spent less time in areas that were experimentally maintained at higher temperatures compared to areas maintained under current environmental temperatures. Degraded signals may also provide less information to females about male body size, health, and other important factors that go into mate choice.

The inability to detect sexual signals could ultimately disrupt sexual selection in rock lizards. If signals become less informative, females might begin choosing mates at random rather than choosing the healthiest and strongest males, which could affect the evolution of the species in the future.

Although species have always had to adapt to changes in climate, human-induced climate change is occurring so rapidly that many species, including the Carpetan rock lizard, may not be able to keep up. Additional research needs to be done on how global warming will affect the biology of the species in order for conservation efforts to be as effective as possible.

Reference: Martín, J., López, P. 2013. Effects of global warming on sensory ecology of rock lizards: increased temperatures alter the efficacy of sexual chemical signals. Functional Ecology, 27: 1332–1340.

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Mosquitoes have difficulty finding hosts with high carbons dioxide background levels

There may be another way to protect yourself against mosquitoes. A new study in the Journal of Experimental Biology used mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) in varying environments of carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide to locate a snack (i.e., your ankle). But what happens if carbon dioxide is already in the environment? Mosquitoes presumably may then have difficulty locating their blood host.


[The mosquito detected carbon dioxide from this host in order to find its meal.]

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences wanted to see just how affected these mosquitoes would be by extra carbon dioxide in their hunting environment. They used a wind tunnel in which they could control background carbon dioxide levels as well as a “stimulus concentration” which acted as a host for the mosquitoes. Take-off time and time to source contact were measured. Take-off time refers to how long the mosquitoes take to decide that a host is nearby. Time to source contact refers to how long the mosquitoes take to locate this host.

When the mosquitoes were tested in an environment filled with carbon dioxide, they took more time to take-off. Not only this, but these mosquitoes also had a more difficult time detecting the stimulus concentration (fake host), even when this concentration was increased. In terms of finding this stimulus, whenever the wind tunnel had the least amount of carbon dioxide, the mosquitoes were able to find the source quicker.

To confirm these behavioral results, the study also looked at the electrical activity in olfactory-receptor neurons (also known as: nerves that detect smells) that were specific for carbon dioxide detection. The stimulation of these nerves correlated with the mosquitoes’ apparent difficulty detecting hosts in environments with high carbon dioxide levels already present. This implies that these nerves are experiencing a masking effect. So, if you’re looking for the best mosquito repellant on the market, search for a tank of carbon dioxide to fill your surrounding environment.


The researchers actually concluded this may not be necessary, though. With rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in our environment, mosquitoes may have a tough time adapting to these constantly rising levels. This is big news, and it begs the question: will mosquitoes stick around in our changing climate? More research is necessary to make conclusions about mosquito adaptability in terms of rising levels of carbon dioxide, however. To find out more about this phenomenon, find this article in the most recent issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology.


Majeed, S., Hill, S. R., & Ignell, R. (2014). Impact of elevated CO2 background levels on the host-seeking behavior of Aedes aegypti. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, 598-604.

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Stingless Bees and Color Vision


Roses are red, violets are blue… stingless bees have color vision too!

     A group of researchers at the University of Würzburg in Germany and Monash University in Australia have discovered that stingless bees have the ability to discriminate a wide range of color, despite research which states that bees have three classes of color photoreceptor (‘UV’ at 350 nm, ‘blue’ at 440 nm, and ‘green’ 440 nm). Compared to honeybees, stingless bees have a limited range of color detection, which serves as a testament to the heavy reliance upon color/flower discrimination in honeybees.

     Overall, there are significant tradeoffs between color sharpness and color detection in bees. For example, honeybees have a high ability to discriminate between colors, but lack in their general ability to detect color. Conversely, bumblebees can detect color changes but cannot discriminate between colors as well as honeybees.


Australian Stingless Bee

     Stingless bees differ in their demands for color acuity and discrimination, given their diet and foraging mechanisms. A number of stingless bee species will forage throughout the year, and are thought to feed on one type of flower. The researchers tested two groups of stingless bees (Trigona fuscipennis from Central America and Tetragonula carbonaria from Australia) to determine if methods used for color-detection in honeybees and bumblebees, originally outlined by von Frisch, will apply to stingless bee species as well.


A) How humans see color
B) UV rays through the eyes of a bee
C) Simulated image of a bee’s trichromatic color compound eye
D) How bees would hypothetically see color

     Through a series of three experiments, the authors found that two species of stingless bees were able to discriminate between colors when allowed the opportunity to locate a target (sucrose solution) on a colored paper square (either blue, purple, yellow or pink) placed within a set of gray squares. The bees were also able to distinguish the color contrast between gray squares that featured a colorful star at the center and gray squares without stars. Interestingly, the bees were less able to distinguish differences between the color boxes and the gray boxes when the contrast decreased.

     This data is important for several reasons. First, the researchers were able to prove that stingless bees might be able to discriminate colors similarly to honeybees and bumblebees. Second, the threshold for differentiation between two colors was determined in stingless bees (0.05 hexagon units), and was found to be higher than in both honeybees (0.01 hexagon units) and bumblebees (0.02 hexagon units). This proves that the discriminatory abilities of various kinds of bees is different, and likely depends on the demands of their foraging mechanisms. The authors note that this may also be due to a trade-off between light sensitivity in ommatidia of the eyes of the stingless bee and the overall quality of spatial resolution. However, the signal to noise ratio would also be rather high and may allow for decreased color discrimination compared to honeybees and bumblebees.


Karl von Frisch

     Lastly, the authors had hoped to prove that the methodology used by researcher Karl von Frisch, who investigated bee social behavior (earning him a Nobel Prize), could still be used as a valid measurement of bee vision.

     Overall, it seems that while stingless bees may not have the same color vision of honeybees and bumblebees, this article may lead us to understand more about the demands of their environment and perhaps allow us to make inferences about their foraging preferences and pollination patterns to improve the distribution of bee pollinators in the environment.

If you’d like to read more from this article, you can find it on the website for the Journal of Comparative Physiology (reference listed below).

Spaethe, J., Streinzer, M., Eckert, J., May, S., & Dyer, A.G. (2014) Behavioural evidence of colour vision in free flying stingless bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, DOI:10.1007/s00359-014-0886-2.



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Floral Mimicry in the Orchid Mantis

Orchid Mantis

He loves me… He loves me not… As you peel the petals off your flowers this Valentine’s Day, it may be important to ensure that it’s not an orchid mantis. Floral mimicry is most commonly found in orchids, where approximately a third of the species depend on deception for pollination. Until now, there has not been any documented case of floral mimicry occurring outside of angiosperms.

Orchid mantises are elusive creatures and are hypothesized to use floral mimicry as a means to attract pollinators as prey. Hanlon et al. (2014) applied color modeling to compare orchid mantis and flower coloration from the perspective of a hypothetical pollinator. Then, observation of behavioral responses of wild pollinators to live orchid mantises were used to test the hypothesis that the orchid mantis is a flower mimic.

Average color coordinates of orchid mantises are in the filled triangles, while the color coordinates of 13 wild flower species are shown in open triangles.

Average color coordinates of orchid mantises are in the filled triangles, while the color coordinates of 13 wild flower species are shown in open triangles.

Hanlon et al. (2014) used two separate models of trichromatic hymenopterian vision: the color hexagon and the receptor noise limited model. Their results showed that the colors of orchid mantises fall within the range of flower petal colors of numerous local flowers, and the average chromatic contrast values between orchid mantises and 13 flower species were either significantly below or not significantly different from the discrimination threshold values of honeybees.

Visitation rates of wild pollinators to field stimuli.

Visitation rates of wild pollinators to field stimuli.

In field experiments, Hanlon et al. (2014) found that visitation rates per-hour differed between the flower, the mantis, and the bare stick control. Wild pollinating insects, primarily bees but occasionally butterflies and flies, inspected the live juvenile female orchid mantises significantly more frequently than the bare stick. Hanlon et al. (2014) recorded two successful prey captures as well as numerous prey capture attempts by the orchid mantises; their prey capture attempts did not deter pollinating insects from inspecting and visiting the orchid mantises.

This study by Hanlon et al. (2014) confirms the mimicry hypothesis of orchid mantises: floral mimicry, in the orchid mantis, is used to attract pollinators as prey. While many species use floral camouflage to catch prey, the orchid mantis uses a more aggressive form of mimicry; pollinators are deceived and attracted to the orchid mantis rather than flowers within the general vicinity.  The orchid mantis provides some of the first evidence for floral mimicry as a predatory strategy.

For more information, here’s a neat BBC Earth video on the orchid mantis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUKyETJZqM8

Hanlon, J., Holwell, G., Herberstein, M. (2014). Pollinator deception in the orchid mantis. The American Naturalist 183:1, 126-132

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Active cooling helps rattlesnakes detect prey

Playing it cool helps rattlesnakes find prey – at least according to a recent paper in the Journal of Comparative Physiology A.  Researchers from Brock University in Canada in collaboration with researchers in Brazil found that South American rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus) can use respiration to actively cool their heads. These cooler animals were more accurate when striking prey, and were quicker to relocate and consume prey after a strike. But why does cooling down help the animals find prey?


Rattlesnakes belong to a group of animals called pit vipers. Snakes are ectothermic animals, which means that they cannot generate body heat through metabolic processes.  Instead, they rely on their behavioral response to the environment to regulate their body temperatures.  However, their prey are small endothermic mammals that generate their own body heat.  The snakes have special sensory organs called facial pit organs that can sense the body heat of their prey.  These organs allow the animals to accurately strike at prey, even when it is dark and they cannot use their vision.


Although it has been hotly debated, current research suggests that the membranes in these pits are sensing heat and not infrared light (e.g. not a photoreceptive organ). When the pits are heated ion channels called TRPA1 open, starting a cascade of information from the sensory system to the brain. When these pits are relatively cool, it provides more contrast between the temperature of the pit and the temperature of the prey and should, in theory, provide more accurate information to the snake about the location of the prey item. In many animals cooling is achieved by the evaporation of water (like panting in dogs, which is a form of respiratory cooling, or sweating in humans). The more humid the environment the less effective this evaporative cooling becomes, because the air is already saturated with water vapor. This means that liquid water is less likely to evaporate.


The research found that animals did indeed cool their heads relative to the rest of their body and that this cooling was more effective when humidity was low.  This suggests that the environment plays a very important role in the functionality of these thermal detectors.  The snakes may be more successful predators if they hunt from a location with lower humidity. This is a great example of how the environment and the sensory biology of animals interact to influence their behavior (sensory ecology!).  If you want to learn more about this system you can check out the paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 

Cadena V., Andrade D.V., Bovo R.P.,  & Tattersall G.J. 2013. Evaporative respiratory cooling augments pit organ thermal detection in rattlesnakes. J Comp Physiol A 199:1093–1104
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Our first birds!

It was 14 degrees on Monday morning when Arick Wong, an undergrad in my lab, and I packed up the car and headed out to Vassar Farms.  It was chilly, but clear and still, a perfect day for banding birds!


We’ve had our platforms up at Vassar’s Ecological Preserve for several months now (note the still green leaves in the photo below). Every 2-3 days we put blacksunflower seeds out on the platforms to attract birds like black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, white-breasted nuthatches and a number of woodpecker species.


For months, we’d had our NY and Federal scientific collecting permits in hand, as well as our DEA permit. We had our auditory evoked potential rig (the computer and electronics we use to measure bird hearing) calibrated and all our equipment ready to go. We’d just been waiting on our banding permit (a permit issued by the US Geological Survey that allows you to capture and mark the birds with a small metal band) and bands to arrive. photoWe had received our bands the previous week (this was actually very fast once we had our permit in hand!), but we hadn’t yet had a day where we had a good chunk of time free and it wasn’t raining.  Monday was perfect! We took three of our treadle traps (see above) out and placed them on our baited platforms.  The animals come into the traps to get at the bird seed, they step on the “treadle” which allows the door to drop, trapping the bird inside. Within about 30 minutes we had captured a red-bellied woodpecker. We aren’t using these birds, so we snapped a few pictures and let it go.  We also caught a second red-bellied woodpecker and 3 tufted titmice.  We brought the tufted titmice back to the lab to test their hearing and then released the birds on Tuesday at the farm.  Each bird was fitted with a band with a unique number, so we’ll know if we catch them again!photo_2


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Welcome to the Sensory Ecology Blog at Vassar College!  Here you will find posts about current research in sensory ecology (including physiology, behavior, and evolution) that has caught our eye.  These posts are contributed by guest writers from the Sensory Ecology course at Vassar College.  You will also find posts from the Gall Lab about our research activities

Not in keeping with our sensory ecology theme, you will also find posts about items in the news that may be of interest to students in Bio 228: Animal Physiology and Bio 106: The singing life of birds. Enjoy!

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