Common Sense and Infection: How the Spread of Disease is Affected by Individual Hosts

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Understanding and managing the spread of infectious diseases is a huge focus scientific research. Studies regarding infectious diseases concentrate on a rang of topics, including transmission, genetics, and immunity. Eakin et al. investigated the consequences of individual host behavior on … Continue reading

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Carrion crows can smell fear (stress)

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Birds have been shown to use their olfactory system for predator detection and orientation, and also social and foraging tasks. They have fully functioning olfactory systems and each individual bird has a distinct body odor. This study used carrion crows, … Continue reading

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Reproductive Deception: Male Cicadas Mimic Female Sounds To Simulate Competition

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Mimicry in the animal kingdom includes behaviors or features of one group (species or sex within a species) that imitates another group in order to gain some kind of advantage, whether that be protection, sexual attraction, or some other benefit. Intraspecific sexual … Continue reading

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Are You My Offspring? Examining the Effect of Egg Color in Host Rejection Rates of a Non-Mimetic Brood Parasite

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Brood parasitic birds lay their eggs in the nests of host birds so as to avoid raising their own young, in turn, saving the energy and time associated with rearing offspring by passing this responsibility off to a host bird. … Continue reading

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Sticking around: Spider twig masquerade is all in the legs

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  Have you ever seen someone you’d rather not run into and wish you could just fade into the background? Well, Ariamnes cylindrogaster, a spider native to Japan, Korea, and China, can! You’ve probably heard of camouflage, an adaptation that … Continue reading

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Finding Your Way: Compass Orientation in Freshwater Hatchling Turtles

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We’ve all heard of the five senses: sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. Some animals, such as certain types of fish, reptiles, or mammals, can also use an internal compass to navigate through their environment. This can be in the form … Continue reading

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It isn’t easy being gold: genetic body color impacts dynamic camouflaging in neotropical fish

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Color polymorphisms are an interesting phenomenon especially when considered in the field of sensory ecology. A polymorphism is when two or more related traits appear within a single mating population, and in many cases this is seen as individuals expressing … Continue reading

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Male cicadas, Subpsaltria yangi, embrace female-style acoustic communication

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Cicada Acoustic Communication To communicate between and within their species, insects have evolved various ways to produce sound. Sound communication can play an important role in reproduction and sexual selection. In various cicada species, sound production informs mating behavior through … Continue reading

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Going With the Flow: Does Fish Morphology Correlate with Water Flow?

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“Adaptation” is a term that everyone is familiar with. In the scientific community, it refers to a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. Because of the diversity between … Continue reading

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Analyzing the Possible Causations of Ornament Differences in Female Anolis

Ornamentation is the presence of a decorative structure, or ornament, with no functional purpose in an animal’s physiology/morphology. The use of ornamentation is commonly found in cases of sexual selection, where the ornament is used as a display to attract … Continue reading

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