Week 9: Return of the Jedi

Tue. 11/5 Star Wars Episode VI––Return of the Jedi (1983)

Thurs. 11/7 Avril Horner and Sue Zlosnik, “Gothic Configurations of Gender,” The Cambridge Companion to Modern Gothic. Ed. Jerrold E. Hogle. Cambridge University Press, 2014. p. 55-70.

Imaginary Worlds Podcast, “Slave Leia

(NOTE: The Imaginary Worlds Podcast is no longer freely available online, so this isn’t required listening; however, if you have access to Stitcher or Spotify Premium, then you may want to give them a listen)


While texts certainly contain information, they are not primarily conveyers of this inert knowledge. Rather, texts are rhetorically purposeful messages aimed at effecting some change in the reader’s view of the subject. As readers become more aware that texts are trying to change their views in some way, we can interrogate texts more actively, trying to decide what to accept and what to doubt. Write brief responses (100-200 words) to each of the following questions:

  1. Before I read “Gothic Configurations of Gender,” the authors assumed that I believed…
  2. After I finished reading “Gothic Configurations of Gender,” the authors wanted me to believe…
  3. The authors were/were not successful in changing my view. How so? Why or why not?

Dannik Jerriko, Azhat

Cornelius Evazan, Azhat

Countess Rajine, Energy Vampire