Week 6: The Subaltern

Tue. 10/8 From A Certain Point of View pp. 367-459

Discussion Questions: Group Five (Eric, Emmett, Austin, Jonathan)
Please post your questions to the “Discussion Questions Google Doc” no later than 5 pm the day before our meeting.

Thurs. 10/10 Midterm Writing Assignment: Multimodal Star Wars

Write a 1,000-word essay that explores the ways in which medium impacts the Star Wars narrative. What sorts of particularly Gothic arguments does Star Wars make? And how do those arguments change (or how are they more or less effective) across media. You should pull textual examples from the film, graphic novel, and short stories. Additionally, you may want to draw on the Imaginary Worlds podcast or Fred Botting’s introduction to Gothic in order to provide context and definitions. Of course, you’ll want to indicate the significance or implications of your argument: how, for example, has reading Star Wars across different media and through the lens of the gothic changed the way you understand that galaxy far, far away?

A useful resource to help structure your response might be They Say, I Say, which offers strategies and templates for presenting different types of arguments.

Bring a copy of your paper (electronic or printed out) to class today as we’ll do some workshopping so that you can get feedback that will help you revise before submitting to me via email. Final drafts are due by Monday 10/14 before midnight.