Slack for managing research teams

Awardee: Ben Ho

Semester of Award: Fall 2019

Materials Awarded: Subscriptions to Slack software

Project Description:

The goal was to test the Slack web app as a tool for collaboration with research groups.

A lot of research was disrupted by the pandemic, but the distance made Slack especially helpful for both informal and formal communication with research collaborators and students involved in research.

Slack can be a useful replacement for physical lab meetings (especially invaluable in a socially distanced time). It has made it easier to send slacks to other organizations. It allows Pin’ing tasks which makes it a useful record of tasks assigned, and a way to keep information in one place. There are also tons of extensions and add-ons that could make things even better.

Slack proved invaluable in the past year. Even after we return to fully in-person, I will keep slack as a way to keep open informal channels of communication between meetings.

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