“Using Digital Technology to Recreate the Analog Writing Environment.”

Awardee: Matt Schultz

Semester of Award: 2022-2023

Materials Awarded: Two iPads and iPencils

Project Description:

The iPads were used during Writing Center consultations as a way of taking conversations notes that could then be easily uploaded to a Google Doc and shared with writers. This way writers did not have to take notes, but could focus on the discussion as the consultant took notes for the writer.

We also experimented with the Ulysses writing app that offers writers a digital environment that is free from distractions during sessions that focused on simply being accountable for getting some writing done. The app is also useful when it comes to organization sessions as it facilitates moving texts around in non-linear ways that simple cut-and-paste in a word processor does not.

The versatility of the iPad also came in handy when offering consultations around campus during various points in the term (specifically Gordon Commons and a few of the residential houses). This allowed consultants to have the Writing Center database (WCOnline) with them for these sessions.

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About maschultz

Writing Center Director
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