Afro-Caribbean Women Teachers

Awardee: Kimberly Williams Brown

Semester of Award: 2022-2023

Materials Awarded: I purchased the MAXQDA software

Project Description:

I used the software to help me organize and code qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews, focus groups and intergroup dialogue methodology. One student was instrumental in helping me learn the software and use it to do the coding.

We both learned quite a bot about coding qualitative data and the software was easy to use and manipulate. We would recommend it to faculty because of its ease to learn and you can use it across devices and across people. When my student or me updated our data, we were both able to access the information. Information about how to access the software, new information about updates to the data are all easily accessed. There was a plethora of information about the software, and email pushes about anything new.

Data could not be accessed in real time so there was a lag in time which is the biggest disadvantage we experienced when using this software.

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