Scrivener for Sociology Thesis Students

Awardee: Erendira Rueda

Semester of Award: Fall 2017

Materials Awarded: I was awarded $589 towards the purchase of 22 copies of Scrivener 2 (education license).

Project Description:

My co-instructor (Jasmine Syedullah) and I used the Scrivener software when we co-taught the Sociology Senior Thesis Seminar during the 2017-2018 academic year. The sociology department requires a thesis during the senior year, which majors complete for 1 unit of sociology credit. Students are required to enroll in the yearlong Senior Thesis Writing seminar. As part of the course, I applied for funds to purchase 22 copies of Scrivener software so that all of the students in the course could use the same software as we wrote during the year. Jasmine had been using the software for her own writing for a number of years, so she ran a workshop to show students the basics of how to use the software. The students took it from there and made use of the program throughout the year to organize their material and write the thesis.

It’s my understanding that the effort paid off because students were able to organize their materials in a central location. I believe the faculty who are teaching the seminar this semester also applied for funding because the current class asked if it would be possible to get copies for them as well. I don’t know if that happened, but I do remember that the current faculty members teaching the course asked Jasmine and I how we went about securing funding for the software.

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