Spectral Analysis on Historic Documents

Awardee: Jenny Magnes

Semester of Award: Fall 2016

Materials Awarded: 4 Alta II Reflectance Spectrometer (Vernier)
5 Arduino Starter Kits

Project Description:

In “Lasers/Technology/Teleportation” students investigated the spectra of various known pigments using the Vernier ALTA® II Reflectance Spectrometer: http://pages.vassar.edu/ltt/?p=3301. This project was successful since the students collected data and where able to distinguish certain pigments that looked the same to the naked eye.

Students in “Medieval Women and the Book” took the spectrometers to the art archives and identified pages that were more worn versus other pages. The students in this English class appreciated the exposure to modern tools without expensive densitometers.

We are in the process of trying out various densitomenter designs using Arduino kits, which is more of a long term project compared to the Reflectance Spectrometers that are being used over and over in Lasers/Technology/Teleportation, Modern Physics and Intro Physics.

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About Jenny Magnes

Physics professor at Vassar College. Interested in bio-optics, biophysics, optics, quantum optics, physics education.
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