Nora K :)

Hi hi! My name is Nora, and I’m a senior (!!) at Vassar College. I’m a Science, Technology, and Society major, and totally unsure of what to do post-college. I’m currently writing my senior thesis on the Paleo Diet and its relationship with neoliberalism.

I’m originally from Norway, but I was born and raised in Singapore. Despite growing up in the tropics, I love the cold weather and the snow. When I first moved to America for college I was disappointed that the summer months here are just as warm as they are back home… But luckily the winters get really cold and I can go sledding and wear jackets and jumpers 🙂

Growing up I did a bunch of different sports like touch rugby, gymnastics, and track. When I came to college I decided to not do any of those and instead start diving, so now I spend 2 hours a day practicing with my team. It’s been absolutely wonderful being a part of such a close-knit team of strong, intelligent, weird, and rad women.

So if you know anyone hiring any of these skills, pls pls pls let me know.

Lesley C

So, I’m Lesley. I was born on September 26, 2000, and am the youngest of five siblings.  I grew up in a traditional Mexican family in a city called Poughkeepsie. Even though my family and I were living here in the United States, my parents always made sure to keep our cultural traditions present. Two of my favorite traditions that my family has is celebrating “Dia de Los Reyes” and “Dia de Los Muertos.”

Growing up I was always surrounded to sports because of my siblings. I began playing basketball at the age of seven, and had my brother and sisters teach the basics. In middle school, I became interested in volleyball and joined the school team. Later on in high school, I decided to try rowing and so I joined the school rowing team.

Education wise, I currently attend Poughkeepsie High School and am interested in science – nothing specific just everything about the subject. I hope to graduate from college and become a paramedic.

Okay. So, yeah. That’s me.

Sarah Park ’20

Hi, my name is Sarah Park and I am a sophomore at Vassar College. I have lived in Connecticut for most of my life, but I was born in Pennsylvania, I’ve lived in Florida, and I also spent a gap year in South Korea when I was 14. At Vassar, I am a math major on the certification track for secondary math education. I have always known that I want to become an educator, and I enjoy tutoring and other activities related to teaching and learning. I also like to spend my free time dancing! I am part of a new cultural dance org on campus that focuses on k-pop. I have a hard time picking favorites, but some of my other things I like are spaghetti, sweatshirts, pink, sleeping, and corgis. 🙂

Tania Hernandez

In a few words, I would say that I am someone who can relate very much to a turtle. Before, I was talking to a vassar student and they asked me what animal it is that I related to and at the time I wasn’t sure but it got me thinking and now I believe that I can relate very much to a turtle. If I encounter someone new I will most likely hide in my shell and not come out for a while. this is how I may be at first but with a little bit of time, I might be willing to come out of that shell and socialize. Believe me when I tell you that the me who hides in her shell is only temporary because once I’m out you’ll wish I would go back in.

*Disclaimer: no, I don’t own turtles.

Christian Quiles

Hello Vassar blog! This is Christian Quiles here, and I just wanted to say how excited I am to be part of this program here at Vassar. I was born January 2nd, 2001. I was born here at vassar brothers and I grew up in Poughkeepsie. I am a junior at Arlington High School, and I am currently looking into colleges and very excited to leave high school and meet tons of new people and make great relationships. I am such an outgoing kid and I really do enjoy playing basketball, listening to music, and hanging out with my friends. I plan on majoring in computer technology and sciences such as chemistry, biology, and earth science. From time to time I even write some of my own lyrics to instrumentals I like. I have a big role in my house, I suppose I am my little brother’s role model, I feel this because our dad isn’t here for us and I feel like its my job to do for my mom because i wanna help her out for doing so much and for us. My first goal to do when I get my paycheck is to give my momma a large portion.

Ethan Pierce

Hey everyone! My name is Ethan and I am a sophomore Environmental Studies and Education double major here at Vassar. Despite being from Manhattan originally I’ve lived my entire life in the State of Maine, so if you’ve ever heard of L.L. Bean, that is where I am from! On campus I work as a tour guide, serve as a student fellow, do research for the Environmental Studies Department, tutor for VELLOP, sing in Home Brewed, play frisbee and lead for Vassar’s Outing Club. Professionally I’ve guided whitewater and backpacking trips as well as taught sea and whitewater kayaking in a residential camp setting. If it was up to me I’ll be on the water, hiking, or singing with my guitar all day every day…but it isn’t always up to me, so when I can’t be outside I’ll happily settle for learning more about the environment and education. In this class I hope to gain skills working with adolescents and technology that will eventually be put to use in a career in outdoor education.

Sarah Rossi

Hi! My name is Sarah and I am a first-year student at Vassar College! I am a prospective French major, and I am also on track to be certified in adolescent education in New York State. I’m originally from North Salem, New York, which is in Northern Westchester County. North Salem is only about 40 minutes from Vassar! In my free time at school, I am part of Vassar’s tap dance organization (Fun fact: I’ve been tap dancing since I was 6!), I’m in an all-Disney acapella group called Beauty and the Beats, and I’m hoping to get involved in theater in the near future, as this was something I was really involved in throughout high school. Another fun fact: I got a puppy over break! His name is Rocky and he is a malshi (maltese/shih tzu mix)! I am super excited to be a part of this course at Vassar, especially as a first-year, because I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and learning from this experience!

About Me – Coit Jackson

Hello my name is Coit Cornelius Jackson, I am currently 15 years old and attend Arlington High School. I’m in my freshman year, which has been going good so far, met some not too many new friends to keep it on a down low, but if someone wants to meet me they are welcoming to do so. I was born in New York, and known for procrastinating, but I get the job done. My favorite sports that I follow are basketball and football, my two favorite team being the Rockets for the NBA and the Seahawks for the NFL. Whenever I am not on the productive side, usually I will be getting deep into gaming playing a wide variety of games including NBA 2k, Fortnite, Madden NFL, Destiny 2, etc. I usually try my best to play with my friends and the people in my school that play the same game I may have as well. Doing the exploring college program will open me to a numerous amount of programs that colleges have to offer, and I hopefully find my taste for what I want to do so that I can choose the best program for me.

“Peace, Love, and Positivity” – Logic