Nora K :)

Hi hi! My name is Nora, and I’m a senior (!!) at Vassar College. I’m a Science, Technology, and Society major, and totally unsure of what to do post-college. I’m currently writing my senior thesis on the Paleo Diet and its relationship with neoliberalism.

I’m originally from Norway, but I was born and raised in Singapore. Despite growing up in the tropics, I love the cold weather and the snow. When I first moved to America for college I was disappointed that the summer months here are just as warm as they are back home… But luckily the winters get really cold and I can go sledding and wear jackets and jumpers 🙂

Growing up I did a bunch of different sports like touch rugby, gymnastics, and track. When I came to college I decided to not do any of those and instead start diving, so now I spend 2 hours a day practicing with my team. It’s been absolutely wonderful being a part of such a close-knit team of strong, intelligent, weird, and rad women.

So if you know anyone hiring any of these skills, pls pls pls let me know.