Category Archives: Autobiography

Cindy’s Introduction


Hello, my name is Cindy! I am originally from New York City and currently am a junior at Vassar College double majoring in Asian Studies, Chinese, and on my way to receiving my secondary education certification. I plan on becoming an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher after graduation.

Eliza’s Introduction

Eliza's Profile Picture

Eliza Tyack

Hi, I’m Eliza! I’m in my senior year of college, and I’m an English major. I like to write, to laugh, and to travel–this summer I traveled to Italy, Iceland, Croatia, and Scotland. I have a major sweet tooth: chocolate ice-cream is my favorite (don’t forget the rainbow sprinkles!) I hope to become a high school English teacher.

Here’s a video telling you a bit more–

Who Am I?

A Little About Jake

Jake's Intro

This is me spinning fire.

My name is Jake. I am a sophomore at Vassar college. I’m a prespective Biology and Education double major. My favorite topics in biology are genetics and microbiology.

In my free time I like to spin fire, juggle, watch TV, bake, and play with my dogs. I currently have 2 dogs, Zoey and Elmo. I work in a theater as an Assistant Technical Director and have always found enjoyment in theater.

My favorite Crayola color is Robin’s Egg Blue (although Mac and Cheese is a close second). Of all the cities that I’ve traveled to are Rome and Paris are my two favorites.

I don’t know what my superpower would be, although I think about it quite often… I’ve always wanted to go shark diving (without a cage of course).

Mary’s Intro

Mary with a Fake Mustache

Hi! My name is Mary (pronounced Mar-ee or Mah-rhi). I am a current junior at Vassar College who’s double majoring in Sociology and Educational Studies. As you can tell, I don’t actually have a mustache, it’s just fun to be silly sometimes. [:


LOGA 101: Introduction to Logan Keane


crayon drawing of a white, brunette boy, drawn by his younger sister

Portrait of Logan created by artist Emma Keane (at age seven)

L ogan doesn’t really like talking about himself.
O n occasions when he’s asked to he stalls and says he doesn’t like to.
G etting Logan to write a bio would be difficult.
A nd I guess this is pretty obvious,
N ow that we’ve gotten to the last line and all he’s done is spell his name vertically.


If you would like to view a more embarrassing, vertical-iPhone video, click here.

Kelsey Does Lists

photo (1)

General Info

  • 20 years old
  • Jr at Vassar
  • Education and Psychology double major. One day, I want to teach kids stuff.
  • I work at the nursery school, specifically with 2 and 3 year olds, who are adorable.
  • From Maryland. It’s humid. I’m not a fan
  • 1 mom, 1 dad, 1 brother (older,) and 1 sister (younger)
  • More importantly, 2 dogs (yellow labs) and 1 cat (black)

Things I Like

  • Cheese
  • Kiwis
  • Swings
  • Not being sick
  • The ocean in March
  • Ring tans

Things I Do

  • Learn (its kind of a thing we do at college but I like to consider myself one of those life long learner types)
  • Dance
  • Sleeping in places I shouldn’t (benches, the ground, on desks, etc)
  • FaceTime with my dogs
  • Performing dramatic readings of my sister’s Twitter

Who is Katie H…

Hi!  I’m Katie H and I’m a senior English major at Vassar College.  That means that I get to write a lot of papers, read piles and piles of books, and get very little sleep.  I am also studying to be a teacher.  Teaching involves just as much constant learning as it does teaching and this year, I get to learn about digital storytelling.  This is a new topic for me, and I’m very excited to go ahead!

Katie Hollis' Profile Picture

Katie Hollis

Some important facts you should know:

  • My favorite food is Mac & Cheese
  • I love Mint Choc. Chip ice cream
  • I’m a better baker than I am a cook
  • I think that cheddar cheese goes well with just about everything
  • Basically all I know how to cook is Mac & Cheese
  • Seriously, Mac & Cheese is awesome

Here’s a little introductory video with a bit more information about me…enjoy!