Hi! I’m Katie H and I’m a senior English major at Vassar College. That means that I get to write a lot of papers, read piles and piles of books, and get very little sleep. I am also studying to be a teacher. Teaching involves just as much constant learning as it does teaching and this year, I get to learn about digital storytelling. This is a new topic for me, and I’m very excited to go ahead!
Some important facts you should know:
- My favorite food is Mac & Cheese
- I love Mint Choc. Chip ice cream
- I’m a better baker than I am a cook
- I think that cheddar cheese goes well with just about everything
- Basically all I know how to cook is Mac & Cheese
- Seriously, Mac & Cheese is awesome
Here’s a little introductory video with a bit more information about me…enjoy!
Awesome video, I am glad you included the bit about WOW, it really is a fun game to play. Also great photos!
Your abroad program seemed really cool! I’d love to hear more about it!
Hey Katie!
I really enjoyed your video and I think that the JYA program that you did to teach was really cool! It looked like an awesome time. I realize that this wasn’t in your video, but I see that you love Mint Chocolate Ice Cream. Just thought you should know, mint chocolate is my favorite as well! Isn’t it the best?!
I play the french horn. My daughter plays the trumpet (she started last year). Maybe we could play some duets together. Me and my kids would get a huge kick out of it.
Azalea also started reading Harry Potter this summer; she’s about books in.
I love how I sleep so much that I’m even sleeping in YOUR video. Great job! Watching it made me want to go back to Ireland again!