LOGA 101: Introduction to Logan Keane



crayon drawing of a white, brunette boy, drawn by his younger sister

Portrait of Logan created by artist Emma Keane (at age seven)

L ogan doesn’t really like talking about himself.
O n occasions when he’s asked to he stalls and says he doesn’t like to.
G etting Logan to write a bio would be difficult.
A nd I guess this is pretty obvious,
N ow that we’ve gotten to the last line and all he’s done is spell his name vertically.


If you would like to view a more embarrassing, vertical-iPhone video, click here.

9 thoughts on “LOGA 101: Introduction to Logan Keane

  1. jahenin

    That was a great stop motion video. I’ve always wanted to make one but I don’t feel like I have the time. It’s really impressive that you decided to make one and actually followed through with it.

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